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Recent content by alan-bc

  1. A

    Shortcut to Export a DXF File?

    Thank you thank you. I did in fact try that at one point. HOWEVER, I only got one of the planes showing up in the 2d drawing .. not that useful. The secret was to close the 3d drawing before using it in the 2d drawing module. Not sure why this is required, but it's consistently requires...
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    Shortcut to Export a DXF File?

    Thanks for the time. But I'm sorry, I guess I'm being thick, because I don't understand. If it's already a 3D part (*.AD_PRT), it only opens in the 3D environment. (I'm using ADPro V27) And I have no option to Save-As an AD_DRW. For now, I've reverted to drawing things to be CNC'd in my old...
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    Shortcut to Export a DXF File?

    New Alibre user, so coming to this problem late. I have a 3d drawing that is in fact a 2.5d drawing. Now it's time to generate some GCode. The top view shows all the lines I'll need to CNC it. I have selected (I think) all the lines. They're blue, and have a thin black rectangle around...
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    Center of mass

    Yes, that's pretty much what I was looking for! Many thanks! I'm a genuine Alibre newby. I purchased Atom some years ago and upgraded to Design last year, but I just can't seem to switch away from my old CAD package. I know without a doubt that Alibre is much much better, but after almost 20...
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    Center of mass

    I have some steel plates, roughly "ell" shaped. Think big fat "L". I need to paint them and want to drill a hole in the plates to hang them for painting/drying. I'd like to have the plates hang more or less straight up and down. If they were rectangular, no big deal. But as they're an...
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    Reasonable STL export settings

    Thanks! And wow, as simple as that; don't bother with two of the settings and set the third to what would seem to be a wee bit coarse. I have to admit, it outputs a file so quickly I wasn't sure it actually did anything and the STL looks just like what I hope it should. Thanks again.
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    Reasonable STL export settings

    After owning Alibre for three years and never using it even once (too comfortable with my old CAD program, I suppose), I actually created my first drawing today! It's a very simply part to adapt a Shopvac hose to a standard built-in vacuum pipe. Circle - new plane - smaller circle (to give me...
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    Change to size or position of 2D object after feature creation .. possible?

    The Equation Editor seems, on the surface, to be a good thing. But having played with it for a couple of minutes, I'm less sure of the value. For example, when I opened it up on my simple test drawing, I found 5 things with a dimension of 1" named D1, D2, D4, D7 and D23. One of them was the...
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    Change to size or position of 2D object after feature creation .. possible?

    Yes, I would have to say that I know at least one way, and likely two ways, to do the thing I want to do. Thanks to all who've replied.
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    Change to size or position of 2D object after feature creation .. possible?

    Thanks for the tip! The key here (which took me a couple of minutes to clue in to) is to double-click on the feature, which in this example is not the circle but the cylinder. Good tip. Alan
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    Change to size or position of 2D object after feature creation .. possible?

    Thanks for the reply. Yes, I watched the videos, over and over, perhaps too many times, ending up confused. I was able to figure out the 3D fillet .. I was selecting the wrong "items", a throwback to a different CAD program. As to the RMB Edit, I was attempting this after 2D sketching was...
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    Change to size or position of 2D object after feature creation .. possible?

    New Alibre user here who's spent a lot of time watching training videos. I drew a rectangle, 2" x 2". I extruded it to make an object 2" x 2" x .5" I selected the 2" x 2" face and drew a 1" diameter circle in the middle of the face. I did a cut, resulting in a cylindrical hole through the...