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Recent content by jfnewman

  1. J

    Our first DDoS attack

    I first thought v28 website update. Glad you guys were able to get back control.
  2. J

    PDM update?

    This is the thread that started the deeper Alibre/PDM question. https://www.alibre.com/forum/index.php?threads/who-here-uses-m-files-vault.24347/
  3. J

    PDM update?

  4. J

    Re Loft

    If you upload the sketch/part the forum will be able to help.
  5. J

    Free Design book

    Thank you
  6. J

    Dynamic Part Generator Tutor

    No I haven't, I will look into it. Thank you
  7. J

    Dynamic Part Generator Tutor

    I know there's the initial video on creating a library but is there other tutorials?
  8. J

    The Geeetech Has Landed

    Have you seen Prusa XL mult head printer?
  9. J

    The Geeetech Has Landed

    Auto leveling?
  10. J

    The Geeetech Has Landed

    I have been looking into multi-nozzle but the prices are sky high but this one is a little more than my CR-6SE
  11. J

    Inserting a McMaster Carr 3D File Into An Alibre Assembly

    You have not activated the assembly constraints dialogue box. The upper left of your screenshot "New Constraints" select then you will see different ways to constrain your part.
  12. J

    A new V24 update, videos, and performance list

    Once you select the video you want to play the initial video will show but then use the back button in your browser and the video you wanted to watch will play.
  13. J

    Importing from Inventor

    When you import files from a different software all of the constraints and other info do not come over it is a dumb part. You will have to create those constraints again in Alibre.
  14. J

    A new V24 update, videos, and performance list

    The way I got it to work is select the video that you want then what shows is the start of (3D Center of Mass Visualization) video then hit your back button on your browsers then the correct video you selected will play. Planes alone curves. Oh My :-)