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  1. K

    Access the existing part parameters in the equation editor.

    Thanks idslk, that was too easy again. Thank you stepalibre. I tried param.Parameters[M].value several times... Attached is the working version. You don't know how much work this little tool saves... regards Knickstab
  2. K

    Access the existing part parameters in the equation editor.

    hello idslk your code works in assemblies. But more than 90% of the changes have to be made in the parts. Change the length by a few mm, adjust the angle, realign the holes for screws... In the Python code I only get the identifier of the variable back, I don't see a value or I can't change it...
  3. K

    Access the existing part parameters in the equation editor.

    Alibre Script is very good when creating something from scratch. But I need drawings of components that are constantly changing slightly. E.g.: For a staircase, the measurement changes every time the inclination of the individual runs, step height, tread width... Updates to the drawing are...
  4. K

    TUTORIAL: Single Speed Gearbox with Python Scripting

    Not very much: As a beginning, the points would be enough 1-4. 1. insertion of parts / assemblies 2. Alignment of parts / assemblies to (named) Reference Planes, Lines, Points 3. Move Rotate / twisting of parts / assemblies 4. Anchor (fixing) of parts / assemblies 5. Pattern of parts /...
  5. K

    TUTORIAL: Single Speed Gearbox with Python Scripting

    Hi Andy, this is the easiest way to Programm Geomagic Design.... One Question : Is it possible to work with Assemblies ?