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  1. bolsover

    Version 28 Planned release date

    I just found this https://www.alibre.com/version28/ Planned launch: May 27, 2024 Drilling down into the learn more, initial launch end of May with updates July and September for the PDM beta and full release. Excellent news..
  2. bolsover

    Updated Utilities (V2.1) with Rack and Pinion feature now in resources

    I've just posted an update to my UtilitiesForAlibre Add-on. This version includes an experimental Bevel gear tool - feedback would be helpful! Download (Version 1.5) now available from resources.. UtilitiesForAlibre 1.5
  3. bolsover

    Updated collection of utilities ready for download

    I've finally got to publishing an updated version of my utilities package. This package includes several packages previously published as separate add-ons. I have addressed numerous bugs and updated the codebase. All open source. Utilities For Alibre A simple collection of utilities for Alibre...
  4. bolsover

    Possible bug - can not change font size of drawing notes.

    I'm not sure if this is just me being 'special' or if it is a bug. I'm working up some drawings to be used as illustrations in some documentation and found that I can't change the font size for any of the notes in drawings. Seem to be fixed at 9 point. Can someone check the attached - can you...
  5. bolsover

    Keyboard Shortcuts - V3.0 Add-On Available - see Resources

    I know how to set keyboard shortcuts and that each user will have their own particular preferences - but.. What shortcuts are people using any why? Also, is there any easy way of listing all the currently assigned shortcuts?
  6. bolsover

    Toolbox - Excellent start - but some room for improvement?

    So I've been testing out the new toolbox feature and have to say I'm quite impressed. I can see that this will be of great benefit for all users once there is a body of 'standard' part toolbox items available. @Max has already suggested that there may be some dedicated file space available in...
  7. bolsover

    Toolbox - Add part from spreadsheet

    I've found an odd bug in the Add part from spreadsheet routines - already reported to support but thought everyone should be aware of the issue.. I have my system options set for Imperial units with 64th fractions (I've been modelling some old machinery) . Just to familiarise myself wit the...
  8. bolsover

    Toolbox Folder in Resources

    @DavidJ I already see a couple of Toolbox parts have been placed in the Resources | Library folder. Would it be possible to move these to a dedicated folder? I certainly plan to make use of the new toolbox feature - would be good if user additions had their own home.
  9. bolsover

    V27 missing Design Help .chm

    Not sure if this is deliberate or not. Directory C:\Program Files\Alibre Design\Alibre Design Help is empty - no AlibreDesign.chm with this distribution. I already cleaned the system in praparation for the release so not sure if this file was present in the Beta? David
  10. bolsover

    Modelling problem

    I'm having a problem modelling the fusee illustated below and was wondering if the hive mind could suggest a way forward. Essentially, the part is a helical spiral. I know I can model a helix and an intersecting spiral and project the intersection to a 3D sketch to get an appropriate curve -...
  11. bolsover

    Bevel Gears

    As some may know, I have written an Alibre Add-on to generate spur and helical gears (both external and internal). I think the Add-on generates reasonably accurate representations but I'm sure there is room for improvement particularly where smaller gears are concerned (undercutting issue). At...
  12. bolsover

    Sketch - Minimum Line Length

    I'm sure this must have been covered before but I couldn't find and answer.. What is the minimum length of a sketch line? I know I can adjust the units for a part such that dimensions can be shown to 6 decimal places - so 0.000001 mm is the smallest I can easily define. Does this mean the...
  13. bolsover

    Worm and Worm Gears

    I'm in the process of reverse engineering the dividing head I use on the lathe and needed to draw up a couple of worms together with the mating worm gears. I thought I'd share here in case anyone else needs worms! Calculate the values using WormCalculations.xlsx and enter into the input...
  14. bolsover

    Problem using standard shapes

    While working up a design for a very simple slotted arm, I found real difficulty with use of Standard Features and particularly with the Obround shape. I'm wondering how others use these features and overcome the problems I found. For the attached Arm.AD_PRT, I used the Obround shape for the...
  15. bolsover

    Component Placement Triad Missing

    I've just been doing some assembly and needed to rotate a part.. I have Free Drag/Use Triad selected in the Locate Components dialog - but I never get to see the Triad. Have I messed up some option setting? If so what is the magic required to re-enable the Triad? David
  16. bolsover

    using ai to calculate the geometry of gears

    I have been tinkering with chat.openai.com. After asking the usual questions about how to dispose of hated members of society, my interest turned back to the geometry of gears. I'm completely blown away. Following a couple of warm up questions, I asked the ai to provide an algorithm for the...
  17. bolsover

    Skills Test

    From time to time, I challenge myself to reproduce some old designs. Currently, I'm attempting to reproduce the gear tumbler hosing shown in the attached.pdf. I've already modelled the gears. Interpretation of the drawing is one thing but reproducing in Alibre is quite another. I'm hoping to get...
  18. bolsover

    Internal gears now available!!

    I'm working on an update to my gear generator and need some help with the geometry calculations.. I want to add a radius to the gear tooth tip. This needs to be mathematically correct and the location can not be determined by sketch construction. Generally, the radius at the tooth tip where...
  19. bolsover

    Sweep 3D Line

    Just tinkering with some shapes.. Having a problem with a sweep along a closed 3D line (actually a series of line segments) The sweep only completes a small section of the line?? Suggestions - is this a bug?
  20. bolsover

    Helical Gears - Utility now working for external gears.

    I've been playing about with a few ideas for generating helical gears. My initial idea was to sketch the gear profile (using my involute gear generator utility) and then extrude a helical boss. This does not work because the generated solid would be self intersecting which Alibre does not allow...