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  1. Cator

    Alibre and CAM partners

    A dream. Vetric Aspire 12 capable of importing Alibre files. Vetric Aspire V12 was released a few days ago. It's a pleasure for the eyes to see the work they've done on the graphical interface and the improvement of free forms. It would be nice to see the CADM parametric solidity of Alibre...
  2. R

    Constraints for cam follower in an assembly

    File attached It is possible to create a cam part (e.g. Large radius + small radius + 2 tangent lines) and a follower part (circular boss) then assemble them with constraints such that when the cam is rotated about the large radius the follower will move in a linear fashion? I can make the...
  3. VoltsAndBolts

    Looking for a good CAM program that won’t break the bank.

    I am looking for a good CAM program that won’t break the bank. Trying to keep it under $500 Wondering what others are using or recommending. I know there are some partnered products listed on the website here but these may not be what I need or can afford. I have a good 2D (2-1/2D) cam I...