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Alibre cutting comma of custom property in 2D drawing

Hello everyone, I created a custom property called "WEIGHT" as a precision number and a template with a field linked to that properties. On my PC everything works fine. I transfered my setting and templates on another PC (I followed this guide) and, when I create a 2D drawing using that template the number lose zeros and comma (e.g. 0.03 -> 3; 0.00045 -> 45).

I do not understand how to fix this. Any ideas?


Staff member
How is the value set?

Are mass units set the same in the PART or ASSEMBLY file (drawing file doesn't have any mass units)?

I've done something similar myself in the past - used a script to get the part mass, change it to text, append units and assign to the custom property. I have a field for that custom property in a drawing template.

If you can't work it out, I suggest sending a package file created from the 2D drawing to support and also send your template.
I don't thing it is related to mass unit, because the value I use in the cutom property is something I manually insert (without the script). I'll do a few more attempts and then I'll write to support. Thanks for your help!


Staff member
Do send it in.

A way around this may be to define the custom property as text - that way you can include units if you wish, and since it won't be treated as a number there won't (?) be any handling issues.

It would still be good to understand exactly what is going on, so if needed a fix can be organised.


Staff member
Is the same decimal separator used on both PCs at Windows level? This might have an influence...