Your Automation Super Power

Automate tedious or complex workflows down to a button press with Python-based scripting. 
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Easy to Learn

Python is a widely-used language for many applications due to its ease of use.

Create / Modify Models

Use Script to create and modify models all in code - make 100 variants in a few minutes.

Use Data Sources

Excel, Access, SQL, web data - almost any data source can be used with Python.

Build Complex Logic

Create workflows that enforce complex design requirements.

Create User Interfaces

Easily create graphics dialogs that are friendly to interact with.

Automate Downstream

Need every model in STP, IGES, and STL? Do it all in one go.

Scripting Overview Video

Alibre Script inherits all the power of Python (IronPython, specifically) and can be used for a wide variety of tasks in Alibre Design.

Create Geometry

Modeling features from sketch creation to feature generation can be achieved in code. Automate the creation of 100 parts from a CSV data source or make complex equation-based sketches or reference geometry.

Combine with data sources or user interfaces to make powerful geometry creation engines.

Data Sources

Use all the data processing power of Python to access, analyze, and consume data from a variety of sources.

This data can be used to drive script behavior.
The assembly icon
The assembly icon
The assembly icon
The assembly icon
The assembly icon
The assembly icon
The assembly icon
Data Scraping
The assembly icon
Just about any source...

Automate the Tedious

Massively speed up tasks that would require lots of repetitive clicks, such as:
Convert every part in an assembly to STL and put them all in a new directory.
Output a list of all materials used by all parts in an assembly.
Mass update metadata for all files in an assembly.

Math-Driven Geometry

Create geometry programmatically that would otherwise be difficult or time consuming. In this example, a script creates 3D points corresponding to nodes of a geodesic polyhedron - we'll use them as references to create supports for the geodesic dome.

User Interfaces

Easily create a front end for your code that enables you to interact with the script faster and more predictably. User interfaces are just a few lines of code and also enable others to use your code more easily.

Protected Code

Protect scripts you create so that the source code is not visible or editable. Great for ensuring the integrity of code across users stays intact when scripts are run, as well as protecting your IP.
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