Alibre PDM - Simplified, Integrated Data Management

A robust data management solution under your total control. Manage versions, where-used, search, multi-user, and so much more.

Local Deployment

Put the server where you want - data never goes outside your walled garden.


Find everywhere a component is used to gain insight into the impact of changes.

Version & Rollback

Create versions of files and roll back to previous ones to undo changes.

For All File Types

Put anything into Alibre PDM - from CAD data to PDFs to PowerPoint.


Create complex filter queries to find files based on many criteria.

Check In & Lock

Check in files to increment their version. Lock to prevent others from checking in.

Work Offline

Cache files from the PDM server to work locally, even if not connected to PDM.

Robust Metadata

Use Classes and Properties to build out robust, data-driven concepts.

Move / Duplicate / Rename

No more broken references due to Windows File System.

Say goodbye to data hassle.

Manage CAD data and any other file type

Alibre PDM makes managing CAD files a breeze, but its power extends metadata and versioning capabilities to any file type such as PowerPoint, PDF, Word, etc. This lets you manage all your supporting design documents, or even to go as far as to manage things like invoices. 

Describe your files with rich, customizable metadata

Each business is unique, and the kinds of things you may want to keep track of might require customized metadata structures. With Alibre PDM you can build out these concepts to substantially enrich your data.

A data-driven approach allows you to optionally choose values from a dropdown list, ensuring high levels of data integrity.

Version and Rollback

You might find that you want a previous version of a file or design. With Versioning and Rollback, you can easily view previous versions and rollback a design to a target version.

Find files fast

Robust filtering lets you find files based on their metadata, and you can build out compound filters to really drill down - for example perhaps your supplier's sandblasted finish quality has gone way down and you want to figure out all the affected parts so you can find a new supplier.

Move, Duplicate, and Rename Easily

When using CAD software on the Windows File System, data is particularly prone to messing up when files are moved or renamed from the file system because design references aren't updated. This is a thing of the past with Alibre PDM.

Local PC or LAN Deployment

Deploy the PDM Server software on your CAD PC for the easiest setup, or make PDM Server available to multiple users on a LAN or over the Internet via a secure VPN. Your data is always under your total control.

PDM Basics Videos

See in-depth videos about using Alibre PDM.

Server Installation

Learn how to install the server.
Single-User Setup in Help

Set up Server for Access by Other LAN Users

Learn how to configure the server computer so other LAN users can access the Safe.
See in Help

Connecting to and working with a PDM Server

Learn how to connect to a Safe, save to a Safe, move files, create a Project, and more.
Save HelpMove Files HelpCreate Projects Help

Import Files into a Safe

Learn how to bring in external files of any type into a Safe.
See in Help


Learn how to create and work with Libraries.
See in Help

Versions and Restoring

Learn how to version and restore files.
See in Help

Multi-User Examples

See how multiple users might interact with a Safe.


Learn about metadata in Alibre PDM.


Learn about:
 - Project Structures
 - Automatic Backups
 - Shelving / Unshelving
Project Structure HelpBackup / Restore HelpShelve / Unshelve Help
Copyright © Alibre, LLC