Bill of Materials

Create comprehensive lists of parts, assemblies, components, and metadata for the whole product.
Download Alibre Design

Always Updated

BOMs are always automatically updated when model changes occur.

Highly Customizable

Achieve the layout, styling, and data that you require to communicate clearly.

Data Rich

Include any data you want in a BOM with customizable metadata from the 3D model.

What is a Bill of Materials?

A bill of materials is a table of components, quantities, item numbers, and any other data you want. This data represents all the items used to create a product or an input to a product. It can contain...
The assembly icon
Part Name
The assembly icon
Part Number
The assembly icon
Quantity Used
The assembly icon
The assembly icon
The assembly icon
The assembly icon
The assembly icon
Tons more...

BoM Data Objects

Insert many types of data as a column into a bill of materials. Most data is metadata from a 3D model, but you can manually enter data as well.

Standard Data

Standard data such as part name, quantity, material, weight, approval date, etc.

Custom Metadata

Any custom properties you create to capture data specific to your business.


Specific design data like dimensions, angles, etc.

Link Balloon Callouts to a BoM

Other Feaures

Roll-Up View

Treat specified subassemblies as single line-items in a BoM.


Various style options to get the look you want.


Export to PDF, CSV, or use in a drawing.

Cell Override

Override any value as needed.

Summed Rows and Columns

Show data like Total Weight (Qty x Weight) per row or in a column.

Hide Rows

Hide a row from the BoM.
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