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Why is the material library still hardcoded?


Alibre Super User
To Max et al,

Question is in the title. Been playing around with this... even if it's deleted it keeps showing up.

By all means provide one with the software, I know a lot of people don't take the time to create their own. But some of us do because reasons. And the the Alibre material library that the software defaults to is simply in the way. We should be able to customise this sort of thing to suit our workflow.

Why Alibre?


Staff member

Where are you deleting the Alibre materials library? I'm guessing in Windows directory C:\ProgramData\Alibre Design\System Files\Materials as we don't give a delete option in the software for the provided library.

Assuming there is good reason why this is the way it is - would either an option to hide the Alibre materials library, or to demote it down the list of displayed libraries be an acceptable solution for you?


Alibre Super User
Hiding it might work. Still, if the code defaults to anything other than one of my materials then that doesn't really help much. And yes, I'm deleting it from the Windows directory.

Knowing why they do it the way they do... sure, bring it on. I don't see any reason for it though.


Staff member
if the code defaults to anything other than one of my materials then that doesn't really help much

What code or context are you referring to? Other than having a library to scroll past, I'm not clear what the issue is here (I feel I must be missing something).

You can set default material for new part to a material from your own library. You can add materials form your own library to 'favourites'