I didn't check this time, but with previous versions it was possible to start Alibre as Express simply selecting this option, and not a full account. So, it probably is already available...
Hi, in my opinion a license upgrade is useless.
I think the engine is the same on all versions, the only difference is you have access to more functions when you upgrade your license.
Other checks:
Is your driver a generic one or the one available from you vendor?
Is it the latest...
Hi, sketch 8 has double lines. It looks the profile has been created twice. I solved it selecting once every line of the sketch and deleting it.
If you want to check an impressive bundle:
It includes calculix, which is available for windows too, wich interface also with netgen. Moreover Salome is a more traditional preprocessor. Code Aster is a french free FEM solver, made and distributed by EDF. Other...
Part order/name in Assembly
I was looking for a way to reorder the parts and sub assemblies in an assembly, an maybe renaming/renumbering the instances.
Is there a possibility to do that?
That's interesting..
I don't have the neither the measuring tool nor the section tool in the reader. Do you think we should have it?
It would be a nice option..
As an alternative if you have the license you can export with model press. The reader can measure, cut section and so on, if you allow it.
It could be a better solution if you want to limit the possibility of reverse engineering.
Otherwise if you export to step the supplier can read the with...
I guess you can rotate this way only in sketch mode.
I think it is meaningless a rotate feature based, on the other hand you could create a boolean feature, and rotate the 2 parts (you can use also the pattern).
In sketch mode if you have a fully constrained group of holes, you could rotate...
I would suggest pdf creator. It prints to pdf, PNG, JPG, TIFF, BMP, PCX, PS, EPS. It is easy to use and configure.
As you can guess, I like it..
In my experience, there is no way.
It is reasonable if you think about the complexity of the modelers.
Also top level translators are not able to translate features between solid modelers, even is they cost thousands of dollars.
I have 2 monitors. I tried to change the resolution of one of the two. It worked. I would suggest you to update the drivers and direct x.
Unfortunately up to now keyboard shortcuts are not customizable.
I'm not familiar to drawing update issues...
when you sketch on a box face you cannot constrain to the box edges, even if you are sketching on the same plane.
Select the face and sketch->project to sketch the selected face
You can decide if the projected lines will be sketch lines (will be extruded) or reference lines (will not be...
.. and remember to project to sketch the box. Set it as reference line, and make it associative (it will move if you change the box dimensions). It will be easier to set constraints.
Under features you have the thin wall boss option, so you can create the walls as single lines.
Did you make a new drawing from the part or are you trying to export from the part?
You must start a new drawing, select the part, and place the view (you only need one). Choose a blank page.
At this point you can export to dwg or dxf.
This is not a problem with space navigator because the unit will stay still. In fact if you check they are rather heavy to avoid any movement. The control is performed by slightly moving the top part.
On the other hand...
Another sketch tip is to fully constrain the sketch (zero degrees of freedom left).
The magic number is written in the bottom area of the window (DOF remaining). If you are able to fully constrain the sketch you will get consistent behavior any time you change a dimension. Otherwise you risk to...
I second the suggestion to start with the tutorials.
3D modelers are really powerful, but work in a different way. Trying to use it as an Autocad clone is not feasible.
When you work with a 3D model you have full access to the history, the constraints and the dimensions.
If you fully...
Hi, I use a standard 2 mouse button + wheel, and a 3DConnexion space mouse.
It is a used serial unit from e-bay, and it works fine.
The XY translation bug can be reduced by modifying the sensitivity in the control panel. Of course fixing the problem would be nice...
Really useful in the...