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  1. W

    How to make a 3D model of a poker chip tray

    Recently, I tried to walk a customer through how to make a tray for poker chips like to: at: https://community.carbide3d.com/t/trying-to-create-a-slope-profile-whats-the-easiest-way/74255 (it took a while to arrive at an understanding of where the slope was) and ultimately, I worked up a...
  2. W

    Constrain a Linear Pattern within another object

    How do you constrain a Linear Pattern so that it is centered within another object? Alternately, how do you set the offset at which an object (say a Linear Pattern) appears from the origin point?
  3. W

    Why can't you rename a Sketch in Atom3D when 2D sketching is active??

    The manual says: but when I do this when 2D sketching is active, I don't get a Rename command: Apparently it's necessary to exit 2D sketching and only then does one get the Rename option --- why?
  4. W

    Drawing with Splines?

    How does one draw with B-splines as freely as one would with Bézier curves? As an example --- how would one draw the 2D outline of the Alibre logo? Th7GI7E23U by WillAdams posted Nov 20, 2019 at 7:46 PM Using Bézier curves it would have a series of on and off-node points and it would be...