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  1. silver2row

    Domes and Alibre Atom3D

    Hey There, Seth here. Is there a way to handle dome making within Atom3D v27? Any bottom flat surface will do... I have tried some various methods to get the dome made (all failures). I actually made a football while trying to make the dome, i.e. one of the learning lessons/failures. Seth...
  2. silver2row

    Pens Galore and a Stiff Exit on Planes/Fooled Myself Once More<FIXED and EDITED>

    Hey There, I built a pen via drawing in Sketch mode to Revolve. First off, I have not finished the item but am looking to advance in my knowledge on how to produce better pens. I seem to not be able to get my drawing in Sketch mode to show from left to right after Revolve Boss. I am making...
  3. silver2row

    Walk-Through This! (SOLVED and Nice TRAINING)/Thank you

    Hey, I see there is a new email in the box! https://www.alibre.com/atom3d-training/ is just one of the many ideas now available. Thank you. Seth
  4. silver2row

    Errors Galore and No New or Older Files Being Opened in v28 Atom3D (SOLVED)

    Hello, Here is my error on new files. I have a more intuitive error for older files that I retry opening... Please send guidance... Seth
  5. cadtec

    ZDB 2024.1 PDM ready for Alibre Design and Atom3D v27 Build 27039

    Hello everyone Here is the new release of ZDB 2024 PDM for Alibre Design and Atom3D. In principle, ZDB also works with new Alibre versions. Furthermore, your existing file structure will not be changed. New function for high activity overview on files added. Some internal optimizations have...
  6. jhuff

    Detail View in Atom3D

    Hello - I'm having trouble figuring out how to create a detail view in a mechanical drawing in Atom3D. The tool shows that a Standard View must be created before a Section, Detail, or Broken view. I have been able to create Section and Broken views, but cannot figure out how to create a...
  7. jasonmburns

    3DConnexion SpaceMouse and CadMouse in Atom3D

    While I am in Alibre Atom3D, if I try to edit the SpaceMouse settings which normally detects the software you are in while you are using it and allows you to customize settings exclusively/individually for the software you are using, the software settings are displayed for Windows Explorer...
  8. S

    Sketch Rotation

    Newbie using Atom3D. In sketch mode I have drawn an object using several primitives (circle and rectangle). Then I realize I want to orient it up rather than sideways (i.e. rotated 90 degrees). Is there any way to do this in Atom3D other than redrawing the entire object?
  9. I

    Atom 3D Using Laptop Trackpad

    I am enjoying this forum. I am using Atom 3D 6 months Free Licence through cnccookbook website. I tried Freecad before looking at Alibre. Found the Freecad learning curve very steep, unintuitive interface and the tutorials badly written. So far have found the interface much easier and the...
  10. Neil Wyatt

    Introducing Myself

    Hi all, I'm Neil Wyatt, editor of Model Engineers' Workshop magazine. We're going to run a tutorial series for Atom3D with support from Alibre and Mintronics. As part of this I'm finding my own way around Atom3D, moving across from TurboCAD Deluxe. After a bit of a slow start, I'm getting the...