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3D Systems and 3D Printing Aid in the Effort to Reconstruct


Alibre Super User
Nothing can be done to erase the trauma experienced by Blessing Makwera, a native of Zimbabwe whose life was changed irrevocably when a land mine exploded in his face when he was young. The explosion caused extensive damage to Makwera’s upper and lower jaws, teeth, tongue, and lips. Despite the pain and suffering and the stigma of disfigurement, Makwera regarded his circumstances in a positive way: he was grateful to be alive, to be surrounded by friends and family who loved him, and to enjoy things like soccer, which gave him pleasure. Prepared to go on with his life and adjust as much as possible, Makwera had no idea back then that 3D printing and the organization Operation of Hope would provide him quite literally with the opportunity to smile again.

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