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Adding views without redoing existing views


Adding views without redoing existing views

Hi all,

I would like to add a view to two existing views, that aligns with one of the previous ones. (existing are front and right side, like to add top). Is this possible without having to resort to redoing all the views?




Couple of ways to get to where you want to be.

1) click on the "Insert" menu pick along the top of the drawing work space window. Select "Standard Views . . ."

You'll get the dialogue box you used to select the front and right views.

User the error keys so the top view is showing in the frame labeled Front View. In the View Slelections frame deselect all views except the Front view. Set the scale to the same scale you used for the front and right views already in the drawing and click OK.

You can then position what is really the top view in the correct relation to the other 2 views. (There is no associativity between the new view and the other two, but in a pinch, it might be better than starting all over again.)

2) Another method that comes to mind is to create a section view from the front view. Then move the section line outside the front view above it pointing down. Then move the section view line above the front view. The result will be the top view.

3) Depending on the complexity of the part in the front view, you might be able to create an auxiliary view off the top part of the front view which would, in effect, be a top view.

I'm probably not the best person to try to answer your question, but there's not much activity on the board during the weekend. So HTH.


Alibre Super User

As John mentined in #3, you can click on the existing view to which you want your new view to be alligned and then click on the "auxiliary view" icon (4th from the top down on the rightmost tool bar). Apparently nothing will happen. Go to your existing view and touch an edge.

A new view of the part (or assy) will appear. The new view will be alligned to to the original one and will represent the part (or assy) as seen in a direction perpendicular to the edge you touched. This means of course than you can create ortogonal views (as you mentioned), but also non ortogonal views (which is cool 8) ).

TIP: The alignment can be broken or restored by right clicking on the view. :wink:


re: Adding views without reoing existing views

Thanks, Gaspar,

I'll try this today right away!
