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Alibre 3D-DXF exporter - with Mesh !


attached you can download an application which exports all selected faces and edges in an Alibre-Session as 3D-DXF.
This is useful for people which do cam on .STL models and need the boundarys and curves or for people which like to engrave something (Cut2D...)

Have fun

Uodate: !!! Now you can export the mesh icluded in the DXF-File !!!

Tested and working with the current download release:

Alibre (2D only)
Catia V5 (2D only)
CondaCam (2D + 3D)
Cut2D (2D only)
eMachineShop free CAD Software (2D only)
GCAD3D (2D + 3D)
Work NC (2D + 3D)
to be continued - please let me know if a app you use works or not


  • Alibre-Edges2DXF (C)2010 Renner_1_0_0_30.zip
    382 KB · Views: 455


Point and Spline importer


this is my point and spline importer (attached).

With it you can import points to 2D and 3D and you can choose if they should create a splinecurve or not.

The Pointset must be stored in a .txt - file.

The Format of the pointchain in the .txt File should be:


Use at your own risk!
No warranty for any damage on hardware, software or models.

More description and an example-video can be found here:



  • Alibre Points - TXT (C)2009 Renner.zip
    329.9 KB · Views: 402


Describe Hole


another maybe useful add-on is Describe Hole.

When you choose a partsession with holefeatures in it the application automaticaly renames the sketch of the holefeature with description of the hole (diameter , type , depth)...
A circle with the smallest diameter will be added to the sketch.

This Program is free - no support, no warranty for any damage on hardware, software or models when you use it !!!

Imperial-Dimensions are now implementet.
Combined Dimension Foot & Inches is to much work to implement, please choose mm , cm , m , inches , foot / feet.


  • Alibre Describe Hole.zip
    697.8 KB · Views: 378


Alibre Super User
SimLab Composer 2.2 released

With the new release of SimLab Composer 2.2, Alibre users will notice many enhancements that will help them to take their Alibre models to the next level.
This release introduces the new edition SimLab Composer (Animation edition), which enables Alibre users to animate their assemblies. Created animations can be exported as rendered movies or animated 3D PDF files.
SimLab Composer 2.2 includes many enhancements for Alibre users including:


  • Key frame creation, and editing
  • Path creation, and Path following
  • Round table animation
  • Camera animation
  • Material animation
  • Light animation


  • Giving the user the ability to scale environment images (HDR).
  • Controlling rendering anti aliasing.


SimLab Composer 2.2 gives the user the ability to control automatic camera switching. The user will be able to determine the stop and effect durations for switching between different cameras.
The user will be able to select the switching effect to be zoom, roll, or a combination of the two.

Building 3D scenes:

[*]Controlling the field of view (field of view angle for the camera): user selected field of view is used in rendering and in created 3D PDF files.
[*]Creating exploded view.
[*]Breaking faces: In addition to breaking geometries, the user of SimLab Composer 2.2 has the ability to break geometry to its faces. After breaking geometry to its faces the user can assign a unique material for each face.
[*]Deleting unused materials: This new tool allows the user to clean the scene materials from any material not used in the scene.




Alibre CLI importer (only 32 Bit Version actual)


attached you can find an app, which imports CLI-Slicedata into Alibre.
Each Z-Slice-height will produce a plane and a sketch with geometry.

This tool is useful, if you for example have only scandata in .stl or other .stl files you want to recreate or measure in.
With NetFab for example you can generate the cli slicedata.

Cylinder.cli is only for Demo.

If you have bigger Slice-Data you should choose "insert as reference" to speed up the import.

This App is free, use at your own risk !
No warranty for any damage on models , software or hardware.


  • Cylinder.zip
    5.1 KB · Views: 250
  • CLI Reader_1_0_0_6.zip
    302.4 KB · Views: 252


Tubing with Alibre - Please help !

!!! Important !!!

Please delete any previous installled Version of Piper.
Install the Version 1.005 File attached here.

Could you please report in the General Diskussion Section if the Tool works for you and on which Platform and on which Version?

Thank you


because i need tubing many times i have coded an app for creating tubes with alibre.


A pipe has a startpoint, an endpoint and intersection points of every linear segments which are crossing.
I have attached Demo Files to find out what i mean.

When you start my application you first should load a partsession with "File - open"
This can be an empty Model if you want to create the pipe by entering the values manualy.
Better way is to create and load a Part, with startpoint endpoint and intersection-points in it. (Like the Demo Files).

Second step is to fill the datatable with the points from the alibre Model.

When you push the Button "record / add points" the main - form hides and a small window occures.

This window indicates if and how much points you have clicked in Alibre.

Start clicking the 1st Point of the tube.
Then click the intersection points (in correct order)
last click the endpoint of the tube.

When you have selected all points which are needed to describe the pipe you can stop the recording with the Button "Stop recording"

Now the main-window occures again.

As you can see all the clicked points are inserted in the data-table.

In the datatable you can change everything manualy.
Especially if you have different bending-radians you can change this here.

If you forgot a point or you would like to add a point you can do this by adding a row an record 1 point to this row.

You can delete single rows as well - just play arround with it.

The field "Pipe-Diam" is to set the outer Diameter of the tube you want to create.
Wall thickness is self-explaining.

When everything is done goto "Output" on the top of the form.

Now if everything is ok the app should draw a 3D Sketch for the Tube Path and a Sketch for the Tube-Diameters.

I am sorry, that i can not include the path in the sweep - you have to do this manualy.
-> Open the sweep , click to add path and choose the 3D sketch.

You can safe and restore the data-table vales - for example to hold pipe data without creating 3D Models
You can load the saved data and create the 3D Tube in an empty Part for example.

I have not that much error-handling and i do not know if it runs with 64 Bit.

I am planning to make a version where recording and tube-inserting in assemblys is possible and afterwards a cnc-bending-plan can be generated.
But this would not be for free - let me know if this would be worth $20 for you or if the basic-app is enough.

Have fun and please let me know how / if it works.
Any questions are welcome.



  • Test Models.zip
    27.6 KB · Views: 296
  • Piper_1_0_0_5.zip
    328.3 KB · Views: 330


Hi Andrew,

i think if you want to use it you have to install it?

There should be a setup.exe after unzipping.



Tubing in Assemblys - Piper Pro


here you can Download a 15 Day Trial of Piper Pro.
I attached a Demo File to explain how Piper Pro works.


Download and Install Piper Pro
Start Alibre
Start Piper Pro from Startmenu-Folder "Renner"

Open Tube Example.ad_asm

You should now see an empty assembly with 7 red spehres in it.

Please try to move the spheres by clicking on one and moving it around with the mouse.

These spheres define the start , intersection and endpoints of the tube we want to create.

If the Data-Table is not empty please click "Clear list" to clear it.

Now press "Record/Add Points" - the main window hides and a small window named "Record Points" should appear.

If you now click on a sphere its centerpoint will be recorded to the data-table.
Each clicked sphere will increase the Number of recorded points in the small window and in the data-table.

If you have done recording the points you want do define the pipe with press "Stop Recording".

The Main Window occurs again and you can see all the recorded Points are written to the Data-Table.

We are ready to create the Tube as 3D Model:

If you want to create an indipendent new Alibre Part press "Create as new Alibre 3D Part"

If you want to insert the model in an existing session choose the matching entry in the combobox and press "Insert in".

In both cases you will be asked for the name of the model.

You now should get a message that the model is created.

Go to the occurence where you added / created the tube and edit the sweep-path manualy.


Why do i have to use spheres?

You can click points, too but if you use spheres like in the example you are able to move them or to constrain them to other models in the assembly

The spheres are to small and i do not like the color?

You can change size , color and name of the spheres by editing the model

I try to record points by clicking a sphere but nothing happens?

Be sure, that the sphere depends to the activaded occurence - best way is to activate the root occurence of the assembly.

Why do i have to add the path of the tube-sweep manualy?

I can not code this function with the actual release of Alibre-Api - maybe in future this can be solved

How can i change an existing tube with piper?

You can not change existing tubes, you can only create new ones

How can i save the tube information for later modifications?

Use "save as" to save the data-table and use "open project" to read in again.

I can only see assemly-session when i drop down the combobox, how can i chose a part?

If the checkbox "show only assemblies" is unchecked you can see both, assemblysessions and partsession.

Have fun, any questions are welcome.



  • Piper Pro_1_0_0_14.zip
    365.5 KB · Views: 288
  • Tube Example.zip
    52.8 KB · Views: 296