Thanks Lew,From the <RMB> menu select "Anchor Part" to "fix it" in space.
Yes, you have to "anchor" each one of the "100 Parts" to do so.Thanks Lew,
Can you anchor each part in an assembly with say 100 parts?
AutoCAD 2D has a "group" feature for this and my colleagues use Pro-E which has a "Freeze" function, but this information gets lost when they export stp files.
Lew & DavidJ; OK, I had to ctl-click on each part in the DE, then anchor the whole lot. That will save me a bunch of trouble. Thanks!Yes, you have to "anchor" each one of the "100 Parts" to do so.
Ctrl + A = Select All, also available from Edit in the menu bar.
Shift + Select will select all items from the previous click to the current one in the Design Explorer.
Good to know, I have some screws that are entered as sub-assemblies. That brings up another thought, can you release one part or subassembly from an anchored set?Noticed that if you have sub-assemblies, Ctrl+A will not appear to select them in the tree. Nevertheless, when you do the anchor process, they will also end up anchored as well.
Good to know, I have some screws that are entered as sub-assemblies. That brings up another thought, can you release one part or subassembly from an anchored set?
Thanks David, those are very handy shortcuts! Such things are hard to find in the Alibre help file.