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Coradial circles


Senior Member
It it a bug or is there a deeper meaning to me being unable to have two circles or curves
being co-radial (having the same radius but not position)
but allowing them to be equal (having the same radius but not position)?

Shouldn't these two constrint-types behave the same for circles?


Senior Member
The question is now "how". I stated how I can do this.
The question is WHY.

Where else but with circles would the coradial constraint make any sense to exist in the firs place.
After all, curves and circles(+elypsis) are the only sketch-elements to have a radius.


Alibre Super User
Read the description:


If you want arcs/circles with the same radius but different positions you need to use the equal constraint. Its important to differentiate between co-radial, concentric and equal. Co-radial essentially combines the concentric and equal constraints.


Senior Member
Okay, so 2 arcs sharing the same radius but different start+end+center points would be equal despite spanning different sized arcs.
Seems I interpreted what the word co-radial means wrong as it not only refers to the radius as the name implies.
This is different from co-linear (does not share the same starting point) or co-centric.


Alibre Super User
Correct. And highlights a deficiency in Alibre i.e. no constraint to create equal arc lengths.

But, if the arc defines a part of a feature that you want several of, you can DO that. So maybe not that bad.