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CubeX Experiences?


Senior Member
Has anyone bought or used the Cubify CubeX printer? It's pretty pricy, but it looks like it can make large enough parts to use is some professional prototyping.



I have been fortunate enough to have logged hundreds if not thousands of hours 3D printing. I have had the opportunity to use the Cubify CubeX and its predecessor the now retired BFB 3DTouch more than any other 3D Printers... although I do also have a good deal of experience working with the 1st and 2nd Gen. Cube, the BFB Rap-Man, as well as the professional grade Pro Jet series printers and the full color gypsum powder printers (the latter formerly Zcorp. printers but now re-branded under the Pro Jet line).

I have watched closely and personally experienced the leaps and bounds in hardware, software, and firmware upgrades/updates that 3DS (and formerly BFB) have engineered. With the CubeX, you have the option of getting a 1, 2(Duo), or 3(Trio) head model so you can run multi-color and/or multi-material prints. No other Plastic Jet Printer or Fused Deposition Modeling printer (vernacular depending on whose trademarked model you are using) has 3-head functionality. The CubeX prints with both ABS and PLA plastics which is ideal as with this set up your model can be printed with one type of material and any necessary support structure can be printed with the other material, and then easily removed via ultra-sonic chamber or good old elbow grease with a razor or X-Acto.

With the CubeX you also get the largest build envelope and highest precision on the market for this style printer...as well as 32 (or so) different material colors to choose from. And in my experience, the quality of parts produced on the CubeX far surpasses its competitors (again thanks to 3DSystems diligence, attention, and dedication to staying far ahead of the curve in hard/soft/firmware upgrades/updates).

Its main competitors are Makerbot and Up printers, and I'm certain if you research these other printer models, their specs, and the quality of prints they produce, you will confirm for yourself what I've stated above.

The other player in this market is the Stratasys Mojo. And amazingly enough, even though it has a MUCH smaller build envelope and less precision per layer than the CubeX, the Mojo will run you ~$10,000!

Hope this info was helpful,



Alibre Super User
Brawndo said:
No other Plastic Jet Printer or Fused Deposition Modeling printer (vernacular depending on whose trademarked model you are using) has 3-head functionality.

The RepRapPro Mendel Tricolour does - I have one.



Ah, thanks Ajayre. I was aware of the existence of dual head RepRap Mendel or similar printers, but not a 3-head... do you know when the 3-head was released on the market?


Alibre Super User
Brawndo said:
Ah, thanks Ajayre. I was aware of the existence of dual head RepRap Mendel or similar printers, but not a 3-head... do you know when the 3-head was released on the market?

February 2013.

When mine works it's great, but...

Can't keep the z-gap set. Have to mess with it for every print.

Set it up and start to print, find that the gap is wrong.

Go back to check and find the gap has changed from when I set it 5 minutes ago.

Very frustrating!!