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Display goes haywire

I've got an issue thats related to Alibre and/or my graphics card. I assume it alibre because it is within the window.

If i Zoom it goes back to normal.



Alibre Super User
I'd guess it's your graphic card; I saw this on an old laptop I had a few years ago just before the graphics card crapped out. But it was the entire display not just the workspace.


Staff member
I suspect it's a graphics card issue. Are you perhaps using an ultrawide monitor? Have you ensured your video card drivers are the most recent available?


Alibre Super User
I'd guess it's your graphic card; I saw this on an old laptop I had a few years ago just before the graphics card crapped out. But it was the entire display not just the workspace.
My laptop did that too. I haven't repaired it yet but most likely it will mean replacing the entire mobo.