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drawing tables?


Senior Member
side topic - coded links

Hey Gaspar - how did you get that coded 'snagit' link in there? I tried to do that, and I didn't get it right! I just opened that pages code - and I see all of this:
<a href="http://www.techsmith.com/products/snagit/default.asp" target="_blank" class="postlink">Snagit</a>
- and I just wondered - did you enter all that code? - Or - how did you get it to link like that - without using the raw code?

Or - from the selection I have here in the forum - B i u Quote Code List= Img URL - what do I select ?? Or - is it my default - showing HTML is OFF the issue? (I have BBCode set to ON) and where do I reset those things again?! Robert

PS - what I mean - for example - is my signature line - If I figure this out - I could make it shorter maybe!!


Alibre Super User
Re: side topic - coded links

rbrian said:
Hey Gaspar - how did you get that coded 'snagit' link in there?


Use the URL tag like this:

NOTE: ( = [

and it will show like this:


Good luck!


Senior Member
Coded-Links - Test

Hi Gaspar Magove,

I believe - this works in the message body, now if I can get it to work in the Signature file!

So - that should look like this -
Check out my Flash Movies pages.
*2 new completed tutorials posted!

<Can't get the mailto: part to work like that> :?

Check my Flash Movies pages.
http://www.aircraft-computational.com/alibre/swf-1/ .
*2 new completed tutorials posted! Can also be found at:

Send Tutorial Suggestions to me at alibre_rob@yahoo.com
(I Got it!!) :D


Senior Member

Hmmm... an image of a spreadsheet. Full marks for creativity, but it sounds ponderous, honestly. Right now my BOM table is working just fine, the only problem being all the extra files that it generates in my repository (each BOM table being its own object).

What about inserting an image of a blank table row? If you want to add a row, you add another image, and lay text over top of it... Nah, probably too ponderous again.


Senior Member

mr.ska said:
Hmmm... an image of a spreadsheet. Full marks for creativity, but it sounds ponderous, honestly.

Ponderous, certainly, but it gives me full control over the formatting of the text and table so it may be worth the hassle, at least in some cases.

Greg :D