Some Forum Etiquette:
If requesting help give all relevant information right away including, but not limited to:
- Be civil.
- Be welcoming to new members.
- Stay on topic. If you have something relevant but it might need a larger unrelated discussion then start it's own thread and link that in a comment instead.
- Not everything is a personal attack directed at you. That might even include this list. You can decide.
- Not everything needs to be defended.
- Not everything needs a paragraph. Less is more.
- Don't argue. You won't change any minds.
- If you need to say something to a specific person consider using private messages.
- Include the software product you are using. (Alibre Atom3D, Alibre Workshop, Alibre Design Professional, Alibre Design Expert, or specify something else)
- Include the version of the software you are using. (V27 build 27039 for example)
- Include the specific problem you are having or what you want to accomplish.
- Include what (if anything) you have tried.
Any good ones I missed?