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How do I "decomission" a computer


Alibre Super User

Call or email Alibre sales. I had two license keys for a while because I needed to "test" Alibre on another computer. When I was done with it, I called sales and we worked through the details to make sure they canceled the correct license key and not the one I'm really using.


Alibre Super User

Do we have to worry about cancelling the listed licenses for different computers?

I often upgrade my systems, and end up installling Alibre on a new system about every 6 months. As well I have installed Albre on my testbed machine to test new DirectX 9.0c cards before installing on my production machine.

When in reality I only have Alibre on 2 computers (production and secondary computer), yet there are about 4 computers listed under my license.

I have not wanted to bother sales to correct this list; except if it prevented installation on my next upgrade (here is hoping for the predicted CPU price war). Maybe a modify and delete button on the web page to remove old inactive license keys, and to update the name of the computer should it change.

I did have on problem with a system restore, when I found that I had changed the name on a system (demoted to secondary position and name), and could not get the listed license key to work with the re-install. The helpful support staff quickly identified that I was using the wrong license key because it was listed under another name.

I do appreciate Alibre's policy of allowing installation on multiple machines, provide you only use one machine at a time. It is nice to have another machine ready to run if the primary machine decides to balk. Also, to be able to use Alibre on my secondary machine to review a design, when I am preparing documentation or emails on my primary machine.


Alibre Super User

If you have 4 license keys listed on your account summary, I'd give sales a call.

I don't remember the official policy but I thought the limit was 3 before having to pay extra for installation. Basically, 3 allowed you to have it at home, at work, and a laptop.

My phone call to sales to clean up the license keys associated with my account took all of 5 minutes, and that's because I have a really old and slow computer so most of the 5 minutes was spent waiting on the machine to verify the correct site key.

I, too, am looking forward to the upcoming price wars. My computer is acting very funny lately and I don't think it has too many hours left - no matter what I do to it short of reformatting the hard drive. And even then I don't think that'll be enough. My big debate is to install WinXP, XP64, or be an early adopter of Vista on the new box.


Alibre Super User

Prophetic coincidence being that my primary machine repeatidly locked up this morning after booting, and I had to resort to my secondary machine to get urgent work updated on the server repository. It has taken me nearly 3 hours to diagnose the problem and get my primary machine working again (hopefully, as it has only been 10 minutes of restored life).

Thank you Alibre for the forward thinking licensing policy that let me be ready for this crisis and have a backup machine ready.

While I am generally not an early adopter (except on my test machine), I do hope to take advantage of a price war and move from a 32bit Athlon machine to a 64 bit. I try to upgrade using a processor that is 1 or 2 models old, and the price becomes a bit more reasonable. While multiple machines seem a bit expensive, it is not too bad to hold on to the old machine as a secondary/backup computer. I then rotate the previous secondary machine to the family computer, and sell off the oldest machine while is still has some value (which is not much these days).

The cost of a new machine (even if I build it myself) can be hard to swallow, but even more expensive is the time lost using an older and slower model. Here's hoping they get the bugs out of Vista quickly, and I can move to it to get the most out of the 64 bit technology. Oh, and that Alibre 10 will also take advantage of 64bit and Vista.