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How to remove an item(s) from a linear or circular pattern


How to remove an item(s) from a linear or circular pattern

I have a part that has a consisten hole pattern that makes using the linear pattern a real time saver. The issue is that there is one hole that needs to be removed from the pattern. (I can't be the only guy in town with this type of issue!!)

Is it possible to delete an item from a linear/circular pattern?[/b]


Senior Member
pattern skip?

ericle said:
Is it possible to delete an item from a linear/circular pattern?
fitzbond said:
Not yet, I've requested that some time ago.
And - if you are talking about - within the confines of the dialog - well - I agree.

But - Nothing stopping you from making the pattern with - say - 9 holes, and deleting manually - hole position # 4!

And - by the way - SP1 is coming this next week - with the API info - so - maybe this would be a good ? Plugin ? - or whatever they will be called, to create with the API! Robert


Senior Member

Robert, If a feature is created as a part of a linear or circular pattern I've never been able to delete one out of the middle of the pattern. If you select one of the patterned features the delete option is greyed out. If you edit the feature you can only edit the original feature that was patterened. I don't think there is any way to do this - dialog or otherwise. Try it out and if you can find a way please describe it to the group. Thanks.


Alibre Super User

Select all inner surfaces of the hole and right mouse button "Remove Face". That should do it :)


Alibre Super User

jwknecht said:
Those are all workarounds.

Was'nt that the whole point of the thread?

The functionality is missing, that's already a fact, so then a workaround is the "only" solution - at this moment... Or have I missed something?


Alibre Super User

I would like to see the enhancement to be made to the software at the pattern creation level.

In addition to skipping a feature at that level, I would like to see the pattern command also allow more complex patterns, whereby the user can define unique linear and angular offsets for individual (or sets of) features within the pattern command.

Both of the above are available with other CAD software (at much higher prices).

The good thing about Alibre is the value. I have not run across much modeling in Alibre that I could not do -- it comes down to how many steps it takes to get the job done. Thus, what we are calling work-arounds are sometimes just different ways to get the job done with more steps than could be done if added functionality were to be added to the commands. The balancing act for the Alibre development team is to find out which enhancements will be of most value to the majority of the users. I am hoping that they add more pattern functionality.

I interpreted the original post to be asking if there were a way to delete an item from the original pattern. (It seems obvious that you can fill in a hole or cut off an unwanted solid.)


Senior Member

Cool - Remove face. Never noticed that before. This sure is simpler than filling in the hole with a boss extrusion! Great tip - thanks.


Alibre Super User


If I'm getting it right , I think the functionality is already there at least for a circular pattern.

Say you want to have a 10-1 circular hole pattern. This would mean you want 9 holes separated 36º. This leaves the place for the 10th hole empty.

Again, if I'm not misunderstanding the issue, you are allways able to leave empty places in the pattern by using the angle as if all the copies were going to be used and entering the (reduced) number of copies you want.



If you need the empty place (or places) not to be together, you could use 2 patterns instead of one.

I hope this helps. :D


Alibre Super User

I tried the linear pattern :?

As far as I can see, Mibe's suggestion is about the best way to go (sound's familiar? :wink: )


Senior Member
Re: Removing a feature from a linear or circular pattern

Another way to do this is to create the hole pattern in the orginal sketch (I know this is blasphemy :D ) using the 'Repeat' command under the 'Sketch' tab. Then you can remove any hole you choose without distrubing the rest of the pattern. This is only good for plain holes. Hope this helps.