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India & China CAD Use


Senior Member
India & China CAD Use

I was thinking the other day that back in the old days when simple drafting was a drawing board and a piece of paper, we could pull a smarter than the average bear person out of the shop and with a little instruction they could make simple drawings or revise others. Pretty slick - in those days...

Now days, it seems much harder to near impossible to do that. Even though CAD programs are much easier today and much lower in cost than my old UG days, it takes training and investment in the employee by both the company (in training) and the employee (in education).

Sooooo, how do they handle things in China or India? Is labor so inexpensive in those countries that even with the ease of use and lower cost of CAD, is it still cheaper there to use manual drawings and grab a smart person off the shop floor and have them take care of some of the drafting?

Any ideas as to what percentage of industry in China and India are using paper, 2D or 3D CAD packages?




They send their students to our publicly subsidized colleges and then return to undercut us. I only graduated 4 years ago and more than half the students in the engineering programs were Chinese. Only a handful were Indian.


Alibre Super User

I think the chinese are moving a lot faster than the indians...
You can send a step file to china and have a pressure die casting in 3 weeks at 1/3 of the european tooling cost. But you need to be working in container loads to make the shipping economic.
Ask me again about indian manufacturing in 6 months time...