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Inserting text and lines with API


Senior Member
Inserting text and lines with API

Hi all,

The drawing support in the API is indeed very limited, but I've received a number of specific requests from users already that indicate that support for the pragrammatic placement of text and lines in drawing (grouped or on a programmatically added layer) would be very valuable.

Of course painting text and lines accurately would require some text metrics, but simply knowing the dimensions of the string we intend to place (before we place it) would be a great start.

I don't know what the priorities are for drawing support at Alibre, but I'd like to suggest that this capability be one of them.


Alex Franke



Hi Alex,

This is a useful request and we will consider this when we expand our Drawings API. We do not have any immediate plans on expanding the APIs on Drawings in the upcoming release, but we will surely implement this in future.

Alibre, Inc.