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June2006 Issue of Cadalyst


Alibre Super User
June2006 Issue of Cadalyst

There is a glowing article on Alibre version 9 in Cadalyst (June issue). But, one of the figures (figure 4) shows something that is not true with Alibre version 9. It shows that Alibre can have shaded drawing views that update automatically.

Perhaps, rather than the author being wrong, the Alibre version was a beta of a future revision? This is my hope!

I don't know if the following link will work for you (if you have not subsribed to Cadalyst online):



Alibre Super User

Hi John & Miles,

I have made the files and drawings with Alibre in December 2005.
It is absolutely simple:
- make a white background in the part or Assembly,
- in the next step: export the file in *.jepg
- Open the 2D drawing and insert the picture. (*jepg)


Much success,
please excuse my bad English language.

from Bavaria/Germany


Alibre Super User

I like what you did and may use the technigue myself but I must agree that the article is misleading.

Bet that shaded view from that JPG file doesn't update. :wink:


Alibre Super User

ralf3 said:
Hi John & Miles,

I have made the files and drawings with Alibre in December 2005.
It is absolutely simple:
- make a white background in the part or Assembly,
- in the next step: export the file in *.jepg
- Open the 2D drawing and insert the picture. (*jepg)


Much success,
please excuse my bad English language.

from Bavaria/Germany

Hi Ralf,

I thought that was the way the drawing views were made. But the figure wording in the article says that the views will update if the model updates. That is the part that is not true. It makes me wonder if the author of the article even used Alibre.

To have shaded views that update like normal drawing views... that is near the top of my wish list. I was hoping to hear that the author used an upcoming version of Alibre that had shaded views.


Thomas H

New Member

Updating shaded views.

I saw the article and I was misled. Well actually I was excited, a cool feature in Alibre I had not yet found. It is something that Inventor does so I believed it would be possible.

A shaded iso view on your 2d drawings goes a long way in helping people understand design intent. I guess I just stick to hidden line wireframe for now. Or insert jpegs.....



Alibre Super User

...but don't the sub headings make you cringe like me?
"I Feel a Draft"
"Something sketchy here"