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Locate Part in Assembly that BOM references


Good day,

I looking for functionality with scripts (either AlibreX or AlibreScript) that, given a particular assembly's exported BOM (.csv), you can access and read each part of an assembly by reading the rows of the BOM.

For example, if I've rearranged my BOM and read the first line on its CSV, I can open the part that the first row references.


Alibre Super User
By default there is no path data displayed in a BOM. So no path data would be in the exported CSV. How would you find the files?


Alibre Super User
If your file names match the BOM part number or name you can generate a BOM from an assembly.

Assembly_001 (Assembly_001.adasm)
-> Part_001 (Part_001.adprt)
-> Part_002 (Part_002.adprt)
-> Part_003 (Part_003.adprt)


Item Number, Part Name, Description, Quantity
1,Part_001, <add the description>, 1
2,Part_002, <add the description>, 3
3,Part_003, <add the description>, 1

You'll need logic to count quantities and other details.


Item Number, Part Name, Description, Quantity, Link to File
1,Part_001, <add the description>, 1, C:/ProjectName/Part_001.adprt
2,Part_002, <add the description>, 3, C:/ProjectName/Part_002.adprt

The key is to relate part numbers/names to files. Alibre file properties can also help.

I do something similar for file lists not exactly a BOM. As Nate said, how would you find the files? A naming convention is important here.