Alibre Super User
Hi Guys
I have a big questions:
1.-How run a scipy CubicSpline in Alibre Script or Excel?
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = np.arange(10)
y = np.sin(x)
cs = CubicSpline(x, y)
xs = np.arange(-0.5, 9.6, 0.1)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6.5, 4))
ax.plot(x, y, 'o', label='data')
ax.plot(xs, np.sin(xs), label='true')
ax.plot(xs, cs(xs), label="S")
ax.plot(xs, cs(xs, 1), label="S'")
ax.plot(xs, cs(xs, 2), label="S''")
ax.plot(xs, cs(xs, 3), label="S'''")
ax.set_xlim(-0.5, 9.5)
ax.legend(loc='lower left', ncol=2)
2,0 How find the Maximum Point of a CubicSpline?
from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline
f = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(x_axis, y_axis, k=4)
cr_pts = f.derivative().roots()
cr_pts = np.append(cr_pts, (x_axis[0], x_axis[-1])) # also check the endpoints of the interval
cr_vals = f(cr_pts)
min_index = np.argmin(cr_vals)
max_index = np.argmax(cr_vals)
print("Maximum value {} at {}\nMinimum value {} at {}".format(cr_vals[max_index], cr_pts[max_index], cr_vals[min_index], cr_pts[min_index]))
Uff, it is so difficult for me this issue.
I have a big questions:
1.-How run a scipy CubicSpline in Alibre Script or Excel?
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = np.arange(10)
y = np.sin(x)
cs = CubicSpline(x, y)
xs = np.arange(-0.5, 9.6, 0.1)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6.5, 4))
ax.plot(x, y, 'o', label='data')
ax.plot(xs, np.sin(xs), label='true')
ax.plot(xs, cs(xs), label="S")
ax.plot(xs, cs(xs, 1), label="S'")
ax.plot(xs, cs(xs, 2), label="S''")
ax.plot(xs, cs(xs, 3), label="S'''")
ax.set_xlim(-0.5, 9.5)
ax.legend(loc='lower left', ncol=2)
2,0 How find the Maximum Point of a CubicSpline?
from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline
f = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(x_axis, y_axis, k=4)
cr_pts = f.derivative().roots()
cr_pts = np.append(cr_pts, (x_axis[0], x_axis[-1])) # also check the endpoints of the interval
cr_vals = f(cr_pts)
min_index = np.argmin(cr_vals)
max_index = np.argmax(cr_vals)
print("Maximum value {} at {}\nMinimum value {} at {}".format(cr_vals[max_index], cr_pts[max_index], cr_vals[min_index], cr_pts[min_index]))
Uff, it is so difficult for me this issue.
CubicSpline — SciPy v1.14.1 Manual
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