Alibre Super User
Best toolset for all things STEP and topology debugging:
I'm sharing what I use since STEP is a frequently discussed format.
Analysis Situs
Приложение для инспекции CAD-моделей и прототипирования алгоритмов геометрического моделирования.
Analysis Situs: features
STEP File Analyzer and Viewer
The free STEP File Viewer supports parts, assemblies, dimensions, tolerances, and more.
GitHub - usnistgov/SFA: The NIST STEP File Analyzer and Viewer (SFA) generates a spreadsheet and a visualization from an ISO 10303 Part 21 STEP file.
The NIST STEP File Analyzer and Viewer (SFA) generates a spreadsheet and a visualization from an ISO 10303 Part 21 STEP file. - usnistgov/SFA
CAD Builder | Open CASCADE Technology
CAD Builder is a freeware parametric CAD modeler. It is a generic tool for parametric modeling derived from the SHAPER Module of the SALOME Simulation Platform developed by Open Cascade in collaboration with CEA and EDF. CAD Builder is designed for both professionals (engineers, architects...
SALOME PLATFORM - The open-source platform for numerical simulation
CAD Assistant | Open CASCADE Technology
CAD Assistant is a freeware viewer and converter for 3D CAD and mesh files, developed by Open Cascade. CAD Assistant is based on open source libraries (Open CASCADE Technology, Qt, FreeType, FreeImage, etc.) and employs open formats for CAD and mesh data (STEP, IFC, IGES, BREP, glTF, JT, PLY...
I'm sharing what I use since STEP is a frequently discussed format.
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