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New: (another) Intro to Alibre API in both C#.NET and VB.NET


Senior Member
Hi all,

I wrote this one a while ago but never had a chance to get it online. As always, please help support these efforts by registering my API apps, donating, perusing my site, or just by spreading the word about the applications and tutorials.

The tutorial is online at http://plans.thefrankes.com/Tutorials/A ... fault.aspx


Other Alibre API Apps: (All are functional CollegeFundware)
Text Import Wizard - Import text in TrueType fonts with curves preserved
- http://plans.thefrankes.com/Tutorials/TextImportWizard/
Point Import Wizard - Import large sets of points as points, connected lines, or as a b-spline
- http://plans.thefrankes.com/Tutorials/P ... ortWizard/
Spline Wizard - Subdivide b-splines by arc length or time
- http://plans.thefrankes.com/code/apps/splinewizard/
Dovetail Jig - Model perfect dovetail joints in just seconds
- http://plans.thefrankes.com/Tutorials/DovetailJig/
Primitive Wizard - Virtual saw mill! Quickly create lots of similar parts
- http://plans.thefrankes.com/code/apps/PrimitiveWizard/

Free amusements for the geeks among us: (Generate unique, personalized t-shirt transfers -- great gifts for babies of engineers, mathematicians and computer scientists, and totally free!)
PiShop - Your name/message in up to 100,000 digits of pi
- http://plans.thefrankes.com/code/webapps/PiShop/
CodeOnesie - Personalized programming onesie
- http://plans.thefrankes.com/code/webapps/CodeOnesie/