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New: Tutorial on Building Alibre API Applications


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New: Tutorial on Building Alibre API Applications

Hi all,

I've been heads-down for a while trying to finish up a rocking horse for my son's second birthday (it's today!). In any case, I wanted to share with you all a tutorial I just finished up on my website. It's a step-by-step, beginner-level example of how to create a console application (command line application) that uses the Alibre Design API, and I wrote it in Visual Basic -- not my preferred language, but a lot of people on this forum seem to prefer it.

If you find it useful, please consider making a donation, or you can also help out by just browsing around and referring friends and associates!

The tutorial is at



Other Alibre API Apps: (All are functional CollegeFundware)
Text Import Wizard - Import text in TrueType fonts with curves preserved
- http://plans.thefrankes.com/Tutorials/TextImportWizard/
Point Import Wizard - Import large sets of points as points, connected lines, or as a b-spline
- http://plans.thefrankes.com/Tutorials/P ... ortWizard/
Spline Wizard - Subdivide b-splines by arc length or time
- http://plans.thefrankes.com/code/apps/splinewizard/
Dovetail Jig - Model perfect dovetail joints in just seconds
- http://plans.thefrankes.com/Tutorials/DovetailJig/
Primitive Wizard - Virtual saw mill! Quickly create lots of similar parts
- http://plans.thefrankes.com/code/apps/PrimitiveWizard/

Free amusements for the geeks among us: (Generate unique, personalized t-shirt transfers -- great gifts for babies of engineers, mathematicians and computer scientists, and totally free!)
PiShop - Your name/message in up to 100,000 digits of pi
- http://plans.thefrankes.com/code/webapps/PiShop/
CodeOnesie - Personalized programming onesie
- http://plans.thefrankes.com/code/webapps/CodeOnesie/