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No Infill


This is strange I am using default settings for my 3D printer trying to print to calibration cubes.

The first layers are relatively fine the Z elevations are fine but I am not getting any infill.

I am using Repetier-Host with Slic3r.

In Slic3r the cube does not look like there is a top but I cannot zoom so it is a tiny view of the model.

Could it be something I am not doing in Geomagic?


I have never used "Repetier-Host with Slic3r" but assuming you exported the .stl, I would assume it is something with the settings in the slicer software or the geometry has not top. If you want to post the cubes, I can bring them into the printing software I use.
The export settings / export should not have anything to do with infill.


Alibre Super User
Geomagic has no effect on the infill - that is generated by Slic3r. Objects created by Geomagic are solid, i.e. not hollow.

Double-check the settings in Slic3r for the infill. Make sure you are using the latest version of Slic3r.

Repetier can "simulate" the g-code and shows you what the print will look like - I use that all the time. If it doesn't show what you expect then it's likely a problem with Slic3r settings.

You will probably get quicker answers by posting on the RepRap forum...
