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Photorendering wood surfaces not close to realistic


New Member
Photorendering wood surfaces not close to realistic

The valve on the wood block shown in the gallery was supposedly done with AlibrePro and PhotoRender, which I have. Looks good, anyone know how that real woodgrain was achieved? I have tried rendering with wood surface on a part, it doesn't even resemble wood. Clicking on all of the wood samples in PhotoRender don't come close.
Second question: anyone know how to download images from digital camera to use in tiling surfaces in 3D???

Please advise.

Thanks. - rasterfarian


Alibre Super User
check the units

More than likely, you need to adjust your units. Try changing the units to different ones until the grain appears correct. For example, if your units are inches, try all the other units (feet, meters, cm, mm) until you get a good effect.


New Member
Re: check the units

jwknecht said:
More than likely, you need to adjust your units. Try changing the units to different ones until the grain appears correct. For example, if your units are inches, try all the other units (feet, meters, cm, mm) until you get a good effect.

Hi, thanks, but it doesn't work. I've tried all units and it's only remotely convincing with Beechwood in the Millimeter units.

I assume I will need to generate the 3D model in Alibre and then render it in something else. Could someone tell me how to export only the part or assembly and not the background along with it?


- rasty


Alibre Super User
render won't work

Hi, thanks, but it doesn't work. I've tried all units and it's only remotely convincing with Beechwood in the Millimeter units.

I am certainly not an expert when it comes to PhotoRender. I have found that it takes trial and error to get the effects that are desired. I have never found a situation where the material grain could not be made to look correct through adjusting the units, etc. One complaint though... I wish there were wood patterns available with the grain going in different directions. Is the file one that you could post so that I (or other users) could take a stab at it?

By the way, did you know that you can download other render files from Lightwork Designs at http://www.lightworks-user.com