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Problem getting AssembledPart ( IInstance )


Alibre Super User
My problem seems to be finding the AssembledPart ( IInstance ) from a user selected face, edge, point...

Take the following example. If I don't add "<1>" to the end of MyPart.Name then it won't return an AssembledPart. But at that point i'm just guessing they want the first instance of that part.
Win = Windows()
Options = []
Options.append(['Select a Face', WindowsInputTypes.Face, None])
Values = Win.OptionsDialog('My Utility', Options, 400)
if Values == None:

MyFace = Values[0]
MyFaceName = MyFace.Name
MyPart = Values[0].GetPart()
MyAssem = Values[0].GetSelectionAssembly()
MyAssemPart = MyAssem.GetPart(MyPart.Name+"<1>")

Also I can use ThisAssy = CurrentAssembly() to get the current assembly but I can't figure out how to get the IInstance of the current assembly to constrain to it.

Any help would be very appreciated.


Alibre Super User
The problem is that a face is on a part but an assembly has instances of the parts, not the parts themselves. This allows more than one instance of a part to be used. There is no way to get from a face to an instance of a part.

The next release allows selecting a part in an assembly using the dialog windows avoiding this problem.

A workaround for now would be to prompt the user to enter the name of the part instead of selecting a face. This could then be trivially replaced with selection of the part when the next release comes out.



Alibre Super User
Good to hear part selection will be in next release. I will prompt for name for now.

Related issue: I think that AssembledPart.GetActiveConfiguration() is returning the active configuration the part has internally and not the one active in the assembly level. Is there a method to get the one active in the assembly level currently?