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Resources - Documentation Tutorials etc.


Alibre Super User
visualNastran tutorial PDFs


  • introduction.pdf
    91.4 KB · Views: 102
  • view_and_visualize.pdf
    126.9 KB · Views: 70
  • animate.pdf
    97.5 KB · Views: 88
  • analyze.pdf
    195.7 KB · Views: 81
  • belts_and_gears.pdf
    205.5 KB · Views: 166


Alibre Super User
Dynamics-Training-Manual -> Flip Book :)


Double click on a page :wink:

Works also with tablets like iPad...


  • Thumbnails.png
    13.8 KB · Views: 2,138
  • Table-of-Contents.png
    14.6 KB · Views: 2,137


Staff member
Sebastian - inside GMD, the link to Dynamics/Simulate is labelled 'Alibre Motion'. The new branding is still not all pervasive!

The training material that Ralf has linked to was presumably produced before the naming/branding was finalised. It is for the same software.


Alibre Super User
Cool. Now please tell me how you knew all this. I wasn't aware that there was a manual of this sort available.


Alibre Super User
I wasn't aware that there was a manual of this sort available.
Sebastian, I have created this Flip-Book from a PDF File, (with a special software) and have uploaded it to our server, that's all.


New Member
Fairly new to Alibre / Geomagic. I've set up a motor assy for a home project and am trying to understand the new Dynamics package; I really like the Booklet noted in this thread, but I can't seem to find the examples that are referenced in it. Any tips on where to find those? Thanks in advance.


Senior Member
I'm just teaching myself Dynamics. Are the items in this thread still the most current resources?

As far as I can see there are no Dynamics training videos on the YouTube channel for Geomagic Design. Does anyone know if training videos are available or planned?




Staff member
Lonnie, yes these are the latest available as far as I'm aware. A great pity - I fear this is powerful software that hardly anyone is using because the documentation is so poor.


Senior Member
It looks like there are some additional resources buried in the installed files. Beyond the documentation mentioned above, there is:

1) A built-in Dynamics/Simulate Tutorial Guide accessed from the Dynamics for Geomagic Design Help menu;

2) A set of models used to do the tutorials above;

3) A pretty interesting set of demos that illustrate various features of the product;

4) Some very brief videos that illustrate the behavior of some joint types such a spherical, and rotating type in various restraint situations.

Here's what the built in Tutorial Guide looks like:

There is a set of files that correspond to the lessons buried in the installed program area:

The tutorial is quite readable, at least what I've done so far, but the interface behavior of the application is a little odd when it loses active focus. I've already opened a trouble ticket for it, but once its idiosyncratic behavior is accepted, it's quite useful.

The demo files are quite varied and some of them are pretty impressive. No doubt the models were constructed and/or exported from a variety of CAD systems, but you can poke through them in the object browser and look at the constraints and so on. Here's a screen shot from one demo application:

There are additional models for Simulate in another location. That's where the videos are too. The videos are very brief and focus on the joint types. None of them are video lessons per se. I don't have Simulate, so haven't poked around in this other directory much, just run the video files. It looks like I can only upload 3 graphics to this posting. I'll put the last one in a new post below.




  • Dynamics-Simulate Tutorial Guide.jpg
    Dynamics-Simulate Tutorial Guide.jpg
    207.2 KB · Views: 35
  • Dynamics-Simulate Tutorials.jpg
    Dynamics-Simulate Tutorials.jpg
    173.3 KB · Views: 40
  • Dynamics-Simulate Demo Files.jpg
    Dynamics-Simulate Demo Files.jpg
    224.6 KB · Views: 41


Senior Member
Here is the additional area with the Simulate models and the videos. [EDIT:] There is a PDF file, which contains training materials for Simulate. It is similar in format to the documentation on Dynamics mentioned near the top of this thread.




  • Dynamics-Simulate Models and Videos.jpg
    Dynamics-Simulate Models and Videos.jpg
    295.9 KB · Views: 65


Where did you find the demos, exactly? I've found the tutorials you mentioned, but can't seem to find the demos.



PJasper said:
Where did you find the demos, exactly? I've found the tutorials you mentioned, but can't seem to find the demos.


OK answered my own question...in the "demo files" folder...somehow I missed that first time around.