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Script Release - Open a glp-file window


Alibre Super User
Hello colleagues,
this script opens the GLP-Parameter window from the design were the script was started.
You don't have to know the name or location of the GLP-File, this will be done by the script automatically.
Best you copy the protected script into your default script folder.
If you havent opened/started Alibrescript already and you want to edit your GLP-Parameter of your design, you only have to choose the "script tab" in your design window, press "launch" and start the script.
Now a GLP-Window will open. Regrettably the opened GLP-Window will not stay in front, but ofcourse it stays open after script...You will only have to click it manually to front.
"As ever" - Use on your own risk... :)



  • open_glp_window_forum.zip
    1.1 KB · Views: 6
  • open_glp_window_forum.py
    2.5 KB · Views: 8