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Selecting the current layer in a drawing


Senior Member
Selecting the current layer in a drawing

Hi all,

(I am awaiting approval of my yahoo groups registration, so if the answer to this question already resides there, then I apologize for the duplication here.)

Is there a better way to select the current layer in a drawing than: File --> Properties --> Layers --> (check current layer) --> Apply --> Close ?

If not, then I will post a request in the Features section to ask if they can give us a way to to it in fewer than 6 clicks.

Thanks and Regards,
Greg :D


Alibre Super User

Nope, currently that is the only way. I have asked about this many times.

I have my fingers crossed that V8 will address this, but I am not holding my breath.


Senior Member

Thanks . . . that's what I had feared. I posted a request in the Enhancements section (although I subsequently noticed that you mentioned it in the 2D thread therein) . . .

Greg :D