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Sheet Metal - for a Toggle Clamp...issues


Senior Member
Sheet Metal - for a Toggle Clamp...issues

Hi! - I am using sheet metal for a toggle clamp model - since - the product is actually sheet metal. Thing is - it is essentially - both sides symetrical (mirror image) but you can'd mirror flanges - which it is mostly made up of except the first tab! Still wonder when flanges will be able to be mirrored??!

It doesn't work too good just proceeding forward from start to end, around a 180 degree flange in the middle of the features - as the extention part of the flanges - is reversed on the second side!!

Any tips? Robert


Senior Member

Hi Robert,

One method might be to create half the part using the sheet metal functionality, then creating a copy of the part and mirroring it (using scale -1). From this you could create an associative part using the assembly boolean functionality to join the two halves.

Hope this works

Gary W.