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Surface creation/manupulation feature?


New Member
Surface creation/manupulation feature?

First of all, I like to say that I love to use Alibre! I would definitely recommend it to my friends in the industry.

In fact, I just demonstrated this software to one of my friends. He is a moldmaker. He has experience using many CAD/CAM softwares. He said the only reason he wouldn't buy this software is the lack of surface creation/manupulation (besides importing surface).

I feel he got a valid reason there... I hope in the near future, Alibre will include surface tools or features also... this will make it perfect!

Alibre rocks!


Alibre Super User

For WHEN Alibre develops their own surface modeling capability (I'm not leaving it to chance for an "if"), I put in a request to include this ACIS license.
http://www.spatial.com/products/3D/mode ... html?LV3=Y

I think this new functionality from ACIS will kick but over Parasolid's surfacing capabilities and therefore Alibre will have a better comparison against the likes of Solid Edge, who I feel has the best surfacing capability of the midrange guys based on their bluesurf/dot functions and less need for hierarchal structure.



Definately. Funny I was just about to post on this, got beaten to it.
This is feature that I feel would really improve alibre, Hopefully in version 8.5?