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Senior Member
No, the max is 18". A 17" would work fine, but I don't think it would make any difference with Too Tall Toby's practice models. I'd still only be able to see one window at a time.

A couple more years and it'll no longer be a concern.
I've used the 15.6" side monitors when traveling for a second screen and it works really well. I got one for $60 off Amazon that doesn't have great contrast and such, but worked well when I was sick and stuck in a comfy chair to work.


Alibre Super User
I've used the 15.6" side monitors when traveling for a second screen and it works really well. I got one for $60 off Amazon that doesn't have great contrast and such, but worked well when I was sick and stuck in a comfy chair to work.

Excellent idea. I have no idea why i never thought of this.

Very cheap and easily fits in my laptop case with the laptop.



Senior Member
The only limitation I found with these is I designed a mount for the two mounting screws on the back and it slid over my laptop monitor. And then proceeded to de-laminate the back as they "mounting screws" where mounted to the back plastic only and that was double stick taped to the monitor. :rolleyes:


Senior Member
Trying to work through this design:

Setup reference to be at the center of the large hole. Everything is pretty basic until the ribs.

I made axes in the centers of the outer holes. Used these and the XY axis to make planes for the 3 ribs.

Then I can make the tangent rib. What I'm having problems with is a clean way to extending this to the cylinders. Due to the circle tangent issue I constantly run into with sketches, I can't do this extrusion in even one go per side. I need to sketch each half of each side. So this is a 4 sketch and 4 extrude to geometry for each rib. I there an easier way?

Edit 1: Whoops. Didn't make the heights different. So that is why I'm still down a gram. This mating of tangent to cylinder is still in need of solving better. Might not be a good way.

Edit 2: I guess in the sketch, I would make the normal tangent polygon and then extend it level a little farther, but less than the wall of the cylinder. That seems to be the easiest way to make this happen. The excess would be hidden in the wall of the matting cylinder.


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Senior Member
In case anyone wasn't following my self monologue. Just extending the ribs and making the tangent line a reference, so the mid extrusion also makes the gap fills:


Edit: Somehow I'm not 5 grams light. Can't win with this one. I think I'm starting from scratch.... :D

Edit 2: Clean redraw with what I learned and nailed it. This was a good one for learning how to get around the limitations of the tool.

I also learned that if you select the axis first on the hole away from the center, then the XY axis for plane definition, it creates them in the outer holes (centered on the first axis selected). This makes selecting it much easier than if you put them all around the axis.
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Senior Member
I made axes in the centers of the outer holes. Used these and the XY axis to make planes for the 3 ribs.

Then I can make the tangent rib. What I'm having problems with is a clean way to extending this to the cylinders. Due to the circle tangent issue I constantly run into with sketches, I can't do this extrusion in even one go per side. I need to sketch each half of each side. So this is a 4 sketch and 4 extrude to geometry for each rib. I there an easier way?
I think I created the planes as you describe.
I drew the outline of the rib on the plane, extended the lines in to the cylinders each end as you describe and then use Extrude Midplane.

Edi. I may have created the planes by rotating in relation to one of the other vertical planes.


Alibre Super User
Just extending the ribs and making the tangent line a reference, so the mid extrusion also makes the gap fills:
This is the workflow needed for creating rib features. Run a search on the forum, I think it has been discussed before.
IF you have Pro or Expert you can use Remove Face to remove the small bits at the end of ribs that are only tangent to a boss.
I don't think I'm following.

Are you talking about working from 2 reduced sized windows, both on 1 15.5" sized screen? I'm not sure I could do that very well.
No, run OBS in the background. Have your Alibre full size in the OBS window, then add the TTT to the side, add a hotkey to start/stop recording, then minimize the window.


Senior Member
My son saw that there was a summer camp for CAD and 3D design (he is 8). I told him, "Dude, I'm right here. Let's learn some stuff."

So we get started with TinkerCAD, which is giving him the idea of 3d space and I can walk him through 3d printing from what he makes.

While trying to learn TinkerCAD, I'm figuring out if there are any ways to constrain and such. VERY basic. During a boring work meeting I pulled up a TooTall Level 4 piece to see if it were even possible in TinkerCAD. After about 5 minutes, I realized I don't hate myself that much. o_O

It is like programming as you need to keep a list of sizes and movements that position it correctly, rather than a simple dimension. A big hell to the no. :oops::D
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Senior Member
My son saw that there was a summer camp for CAD and 3D design (he is 8). I told him, "Dude, I'm right here. Let's learn some stuff."

So we get started with TinkerCAD, which is giving him the idea of 3d space and I can walk him through 3d printing from what he makes.

While trying to learn TinkerCAD, I'm figuring out if there are any ways to constrain and such. VERY basic. During a boring work meeting I pulled up a TooTall Level 4 piece to see if it were even possible in TinkerCAD. After about 5 minutes, I realized I don't hate myself that much. o_O

It is like programming as you need to keep a list of sizes and movements that position it correctly, rather than a simple dimension. A big hell to the no. :oops::D
I dabbled with Generic Cadd 3d and a friends ProE decades ago but when 3d printing became a thing I went the TinkerCAD, OpenSCAD, SketchUp, FreeCAD route before arriving at Alibre after a sales guy at local modelling supplies recommended Geomagic Design (Alibre dark days I believe!). TinkerCAD blew my mind for a few days and I had great fun but I very quickly realised the limitations.
Parametric modelling is on another level.


Senior Member
Just solved 24-06-08, but not really happy with my approaches. It has a tetrahedron. (Equalateral triangle based pyramid).

I'm struggling to figure out how to model this in Alibre. So making all sides equal on a triangle makes base. I can extrude with a draft angle of -19.45°. This was determined by measuring the resultant side and not exact. And certainly not fast.

When I google, I see the angle between faces is 70.529 degrees. So I can make a plane 90 degrees to a 0 draft extrusion of a side and perform a through all cut of a chunk from this 70.529 degrees. Then a 3 circular pattern. This gives me a length of 90.001 and certainly good enough. But I needed this magic angle.

Is there a way with constraints or something that I could setup in 3d mode for this shape so all is in Alibre and I'm not limited by google or iterative approach?

Ex Machina

Alibre Super User
Just solved 24-06-08, but not really happy with my approaches. It has a tetrahedron. (Equalateral triangle based pyramid).

I'm struggling to figure out how to model this in Alibre. So making all sides equal on a triangle makes base. I can extrude with a draft angle of -19.45°. This was determined by measuring the resultant side and not exact. And certainly not fast.

When I google, I see the angle between faces is 70.529 degrees. So I can make a plane 90 degrees to a 0 draft extrusion of a side and perform a through all cut of a chunk from this 70.529 degrees. Then a 3 circular pattern. This gives me a length of 90.001 and certainly good enough. But I needed this magic angle.

Is there a way with constraints or something that I could setup in 3d mode for this shape so all is in Alibre and I'm not limited by google or iterative approach?
Not sure it'll help, but here's my approach to making an icosahedron in Alibre. Maybe some of the workflow applies to your design as well.


Senior Member
Here's a video for this tetrahedran...

I was just about to work through that video and looks like it was removed. Are you updating it or is it gone? I'll try from memory, but memory has it that my memory needs better memory. ;)

Edit: Looks like it is back and shorter. Cool. Thanks for putting this up.
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Ex Machina

Alibre Super User
Hey guys!!!

Here's my latest video explaining the strategies used in my Qualy run for TooTallToby's 2024 World Championship Tournament:

Take a look, get some inspiration and try the qualifier for yourself!!! Let's get more Alibre runners on the board and in the Top 16!

Comments and Ideas welcome!
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Senior Member
Thanks Gary. I'm using a Logitech G300S. Gotta warn you, it's a bit smaller than I'd like. But it very cost efficient and accurate for the money.
Ok after a little mouse searching and pricing things here is what I found out. I am currently using a Logitech M510 mouse and am happy with it. However, like others I kept getting tired of the project to sketch routine I used often in Alibre (daily SW user at work and it has the imprint thing). So, as I was looking for mice after @Ex Machina told me what he was using I discovered the Logitech Options + download which contains Smart Actions. Basically, these are predefined macros that will work with my mouse. The gain is that you can create your own macros. So, I created a macro to do the project to sketch when I hit one of the buttons on my mouse. Yee Haw!!! Got me a quick hit button and didn't even have to get a new mouse. Thanks to @Ex Machina for the idea and the incentive to go looking for a solution.