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Translating menues, Greying out, protecting features, C++


Translating menues, Greying out, protecting features, C++

Hi all!

Another bunch of questions for you wizards:

#1 How can I set up a new language file (translation of menues and dialogs controls)?

#2 How can I grey out Alibre's GUI menu items deactivating components, for example sheet metal? Similar to 3D sketch menu in Alibre Design Express.

#3 Is it possible to hide features of a part maybe with password so that they are not accessible by users? Something that blocks and protects features from being changed?

#4 Somebody here is writing VC++ code for Alibre or all are hooked to VB or C#?

Thanks for your help,




Senior Member

I think most of the code in the API documentation is in VB6, so it has a lot of supporters. I prefer c# -- the .Net framework takes the bite out of MFC and WinAPI, yet it's still pretty powerful.

So what kind of project is this? I'm getting the idea you're writing a new version of AD! :D




Hi Alex!

We are looking back on some 15 years of C++ programming developing many and some of them complex projects. Right know we have no plans to switch to C#.

We are new to AD trying to understand wether it is possible to port a project to AD started originally as an Autodesk Inventor add-on. This project makes very extensive use of parametic and other features.
Though we are impressed by AD itself (indeed for designers, i.e plane users, it fully can substitute Inventor and on certain issues it is steps ahead, for example configurations), we find that there is little information on AD's API, which appears to be a major issue for developers! That's why we are asking that much. :wink:

Thanks for your answers.


