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Updated Utilities (V3. 0) compatible with Alibre V28 now in resources


Senior Member
But are they Gleason, Brown and Sharpe or another flavour of bevel gear?
Great question. I can offer a partial answer: The gears are NOT Gleason but what I would call a 'Standard' profile. I don't have any information on Brown and Sharp standards so can't say if this is the same as my 'Standard'.
The key difference between Gleason and the 'Standard' I adopted is in the Addendum/Dedendum dimensions.
The 'Standard' I used has Addendum = 1 * Module, Dedendum = 1.25 * Module.
The Gleason system uses a more complex formula (difficult to reproduce here) but I do intend to offer this as an option in a future release since the calculation is simple for computer!

With all that said, I have taken some liberties with the design. The geometry of the basic blank should be correct. You can see how that was done by examining sketch<1>. I don't think these is anything particularly special - the sketch parameters are simply adjusted to reflect the calculated dimensions.
The trickier part was the location and angle of the BackConePlane which has to be angled to meet the back face of the gear. I initially had this angled from Axis<4> to meet a sketch point (from sketch<1> located at the pitch circle diameter. I had to change this because the resultant plane had its 0,0 point in a very awkward location. Currently, the BackConePlane is set at a calculated angle about Axis<4> and if you look closely, you will see that it does not quite intersect the revolve feature of the blank.
The actual code is:
var x = bevelGear.BackConeAngle * 1.001; // small increase to ensure plane does not interfere with gear geometry
session.Parameters.Item("BackConeAngle").Value = Radians(x);
That very small change was enough to prevent some odd artifacts appearing in the model. (I'll get a screenshot sometime).
Other issues..
In the attached generated model pinion, you'll note the radius at the root of the teeth - a hack to ensure a closed Sketch<2> for gears where the Base circle Diameter is > Root Circle Diameter. For lager tooth counts, the Base circle Diameter is < Root Circle Diameter so the involute has to be trimmed down and a simple arc is added to close the sketch at the root. Trimming of the involute is not particularly simple an can result in the dedendum not being quite as deep as it should be (by a very small but variable amount).

I aim to release a bug fix update very soon to address a problem with the generation of a gear (pinion is OK) having a shaft angle other than 90°.
I'll also be adding the Gleason standard as an option in the future.
Also updating documentation... and... and..


  • PinionM3Z20.AD_PRT
    3.4 MB · Views: 5


Alibre Super User
I've found that Alibre or ACIS is less forgiving and intermediate steps need to be separate/independent in the feature tree for the last feature to calculate the topology correctly. I recently had a similar issue that required adding 0.005.

This can be a construction/topology tolerance issue.
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Will version 1,6 work on Alibre 26?
Some of previous version was working on AD26 (until my system completly crashed). I have installed Utilities in folder where Alibre Addons should be located, but it doesn't even display in Addon meneger.


Senior Member
Sorry - but it was compiled and tested against V27. I'll try to compile against V26 and let you know if it works. It will be a few days before I can do this though as I don't have a V26 installation at present.
I'll send you a pm when done...


Senior Member
Will version 1,6 work on Alibre 26?
Some of previous version was working on AD26 (until my system completly crashed). I have installed Utilities in folder where Alibre Addons should be located, but it doesn't even display in Addon meneger.
Sorry - but it is not going to happen.. I just loaded V26 and ran V1.6 of my utilities against V26 - no recompile. Some parts of the utilities will work - and should work for you but the latest bevel gear feature will not. I probably could get it all working but it would mean reproducing the template file used to generate the bevel gears using V26 - and I'm just not eager to do that.
All the code is open source - so you can download and recompile yourself if you want.


Staff member
Will version 1,6 work on Alibre 26?
Some of previous version was working on AD26 (until my system completly crashed). I have installed Utilities in folder where Alibre Addons should be located, but it doesn't even display in Addon meneger.
Surely you just run the provided installer - no need to choose where it goes...


Ah, I understand.
Anyway I am doing something wrong probably, because even version 1,3 also don't show in addon meneger. :oops:

//Ok I manged to run 1,5 version... Problem was that I didn't uninstalled version 1,6- just deleted files. Installation of 1,3, uninstallation, and installation 1,5 worked ;)
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Staff member
And my experience is that newer versions successfully update over previously installed versions.


Alibre Super User
There is an issue with the Gleason bevel gear option.
I ran the 20/40 set it defaults to and it worked but then I used 13/51 and the pinion has no flats on the tooth face. The crown seems ok though.
13 is the smallest standard pinion tooth count for Gleason



Senior Member
There is an issue with the Gleason bevel gear option.
Thanks for heads-up. TBH I'm not sure what the problem is yet but I have a couple of ideas.
Do you have any data on dimensions of Gleason bevel gears - I've really been working from a single source of information and could do with more hard facts.
If you have any data on Gleason addendum, dedendum, and base widths that would be particularly helpful.
Anyway I'll test out a few things..


Senior Member
Gleason Straight bevel data
Thank you for the data - BIG help.
I've been going through the information you provided and have made some progress towards improving the Gleason solution.
Generating the radius at the tooth root has proven particularly challenging - getting a closed sketch that can be used to generate the initial loft cut was difficult! It took some considerable effort to get the sketch figures to align perfectly.
The remaining issue is to get the circular thickness of the teeth to agree with the data you provided - this will ensure a flat at the tooth apex.
I need to codify the K circular thickness factor and adjust the angular position of the tooth flanks accordingly - so the shape of the tooth stays the same but the thickness changes.
I need to do some tests but my initial thought is to approximate the the K factor curves to straight lines and proceed form there.

The 13 tooth Gleason pinions illustrated below have progressively wider teeth - I just need to ensure I pick the correct profile and that it mates with the gear!
13ToothGleason.png 13ToothGleason2.png13ToothGleason3.png
p.s. Don't expect a coniflex profile any time soon!!


Senior Member
Well - I really jumped in too early with V1.7 !!
Just found and fixed a bug that would prevent Gleason standard bevel gears having pinion > 24 teeth from building correctly.
Fixed in V1.8
Sorry all.