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Using Vault in Two Locations?


New Member
Vault experts,
I have a situation where I have a few users in two different states. Currently, we simply work off of network drives, and replicate each location's server each night. This works fine, as long as two people don't work on the same file in different locations on the same day. However, as we expand, this is becoming increasingly difficult to guarantee. Does anyone have any experience with using Vault in two locations?
Thanks so much,


Staff member
M-Files is ideal for this. Various options to make it work (all have pros/cons)

1. M-Files server at one of your locations, users at other location connect remotely (VPN or similar)
2. M-Files server at both locations, one hosting the main Vault, the other a 'cached replica Vault' (requires connection between sites to work)
3. M-Files server at both sites with routine scheduled data exchange between sites - can cope with connection loss between sites (extra costs, manual management if conflicts arise).
4. M-Files server in the Cloud - requires internet connection to work.
5. M-Files server in the cloud - replicated locally (similar to 3). Most robust, also most expensive.

As long as connection between sites is good, #1 is a good place to start - if connection between sites is slow #2 can give some improvement with little extra complication. Once files are on the desktop computer, you are working from a local cache, so connection speed no longer matters.

I use #1 when visiting customers (if I have to access designs back at the office).