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v28 Bug List


Drawing views can't be shaded in V28 as was done in V27.
I occasionally shade a view for clarity but V28 only gives me messages about outdated views even though the views are updated. 1717298003827.png


Staff member
When installing v28 I ticked the box to install help locally.

Now when I click on help, Alibre attempts to open the online help then the web page gives an error message, so basically no access to help from within Alibre now.

Of course I can find the Alibre help page or go to the .chm file within Program Files, but the buttons within Alibre need fixing.
In system options, un-check 'use online help if available'

Seems there is an issue with the links to online help (has been reported to Development)

Online help (including v28) is available directly in web browser - https://help.alibre.com/
Last edited:


Staff member
Drawing views can't be shaded in V28 as was done in V27.
I occasionally shade a view for clarity but V28 only gives me messages about outdated views even though the views are updated. View attachment 41856
I am able to have shaded views in v28 - there may be an issue with your installation, or some other problem.

An uninstall / re-install may be worth trying, or submit a support ticket and include a package created from a drawing which exhibits this issue.


I am able to have shaded views in v28 - there may be an issue with your installation, or some other problem.

An uninstall / re-install may be worth trying, or submit a support ticket and include a package created from a drawing which exhibits this issue.
Thanks, David for your response. I did an uninstall and a fresh install but the problem persists. I entered a support ticket.


I am able to have shaded views in v28 - there may be an issue with your installation, or some other problem.

An uninstall / re-install may be worth trying, or submit a support ticket and include a package created from a drawing which exhibits this issue.
Support said it is inter-design relations. I deleted them and now I can shade views in drawing. Thanks, DavidJ


Can you post your solution please.. I experienced crash on last bend - maybe I'm doing something wrong, I'm not particularly experienced with sheet metal and would like to see a solution!

The cause of Harold's problem with the sketch bend has been found - the problem only affected certain cases of sketch bend, many work without problems.

To resolve this a small change had to be made in passing instructions to the (updated) ACIS kernel.

If you suffer problems with sketch bend in v28 prior to the release of any service pack that includes this fix, please raise a support ticket - a modified dll file can be provided.

Bolsover, as David mentioned, it is not a hardware issue, nor is it solvable by a workaround. Submit a ticket and they will issue you a modified dll.


Senior Member
Bug report for the mirror in the assembly environment.
Bug Creation Mode
1 I create part1: A bolt with a cosmetic thread.
2 I make a circular repetition
3 I mirror the original bolt and the three repetitions.
BUG: The cosmetic thread appears correct in only one of the 4 parts.
I enclose package and ask others to check.
Thank you


  • Mirror Issue.AD_PKG
    341.3 KB · Views: 2


Alibre Super User
Here's a screen shot of a quick assembly I just made and it looks fine.
It took a bit of noodling with the mirror tool because it didn't preview the mirrored parts until after I selected then, one-by-one, to change their individual orientation.



Bug report for the mirror in the assembly environment.
Bug Creation Mode
1 I create part1: A bolt with a cosmetic thread.
2 I make a circular repetition
3 I mirror the original bolt and the three repetitions.
BUG: The cosmetic thread appears correct in only one of the 4 parts.
I enclose package and ask others to check.
Thank you

Edit your Mirror. Select a part in the dialog box, and then deselect "Create other handed copy" and change the orientation to "orientation 2 of 4." Do this for each part and it should correct it.


I have found a strange bug with BOM's in drawings.

I went to replace the BOM in a drawing with the one for an other configuration of the frame it's showing,so I unlinked the original BOM, but when I go to replace it with the new one I get the error show in the picture below.
It happens whether there are any callouts or not, and even in a brand new drawing with only the BOM in it.
This error happens even with a new drawing trying to insert an existing BOM, which is annoying when I've created the BOM with a bunch of notes in it already.
Can be worked around by creating a new one in the drawing, closing it, then renaming the one created in the drawing so it complains about not finding it, and replacing it with the existing one.
If that makes sense?


Alibre Super User
I created a drawing yesterday and saved to M-Files vault. On opening it this morning, nearly all ribbon icons are greyed out.
Tried to F5 refresh it but no change.

Closed and reopen the file and everything is good again.

This has happened a few times now with V28. I thought it may have been related to files changing from v27 to v28 but this one was native to 28.


While 'm here, v27: when push 2 times backspace in the sketch/dimension box, Alibre freeze (need esc to get it back to work)
This only happens when on a second screen.


New Member
I have found a strange bug with BOM's in drawings.

I went to replace the BOM in a drawing with the one for an other configuration of the frame it's showing,so I unlinked the original BOM, but when I go to replace it with the new one I get the error show in the picture below.
It happens whether there are any callouts or not, and even in a brand new drawing with only the BOM in it.
I'm getting that one too. I worked around it by saving the drawing and BOM into a different folder (renaming the BOM to the name of the BOM I'm going to replace it with) and once you've saved it, delete the newly created BOM, move the drawing to it's destination folder and then open it. When it can't find the BOM where it's supposed to be, point it at the one you originally intended and you're in business. It's a bit of a faff but it works.


I'm getting that one too. I worked around it by saving the drawing and BOM into a different folder (renaming the BOM to the name of the BOM I'm going to replace it with) and once you've saved it, delete the newly created BOM, move the drawing to it's destination folder and then open it. When it can't find the BOM where it's supposed to be, point it at the one you originally intended and you're in business. It's a bit of a faff but it works.
I work around it a similar way, by just adding an "A" suffix to the BOM I want to replace, open the drawing and when it complains about not finding it, replace it with the one I want, save the drawing, then delete the suffix from the original one if its used in another drawing.
What's the error?
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 26, in <module>
TypeError: expected IAssembled, got Assembly#IInstance_1$1

If you want to play with the script, here it is. Bonus points if you can tell who's script I cannibalized by the variable names!

class MyBaseAssem(Assembly, IInstance):
   def GetOccurrence(self):
       return self._Assembly.ActiveOccurrence
start_assem = CurrentAssembly()
assy = MyBaseAssem(str(start_assem.Name), False)

Win = Windows()

Root = Global.Root
ThisSess = Root.TopmostSession
Occ = ThisSess.RootOccurrence
SelectedSet = ThisSess.SelectedObjects

Occs = Occ.Occurrences

for r in range(0,SelectedSet.Count):
  SelectedItem = SelectedSet.Item(r)
  SelectedOcc = SelectedItem.Occurrence
  print('Rooting ' + SelectedOcc.Name)
  prt = assy.GetPart(SelectedOcc.Name)
  assy.AddAlignConstraint(0, prt, prt.XYPlane, assy, assy.XYPlane)
  assy.AddAlignConstraint(0, prt, prt.XAxis, assy, assy.XAxis)