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what's a good system?

Hey everybody,
I'm trying to model a vacuum formed part with a lot of fillets and it is really bogging down my system. My home system is a dual processor PIII 1ghz per processor machine with 4gb ram and a 128mb Nvidia 5200fx video card. It has a 10,000 rpm scsi drive. The file takes up to 20 minutes to open, save, modify, etc.

I tried loading it on my work machine using Alibre Xpress and it is a little faster, but not much. The machine at work is a dual xeon 2.8 ghz per processor, 2gb ram, and Nvidia quadro FX 1300. It still takes about 5 minutes per open, save, etc.

This isn't really a complex part and shouldn't take so long.

What's the deal?


Alibre Super User

Try the trick of exporting the file to a step then re-importing it. This will get rid of any deleted part data from the file as well as any other unused features. It should also greatly reduce the file size.