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Who can program a small tool?


Senior Member
Who can program a small tool?

I need a small tool that moves all tangential lines, in a 2D-Drawing, to a definable layer. Now we must select every tangent lines one-for-one......
In Europe, we must draw tangent lines/edges as thin lines.
Thanks for a short feedback,


Alibre Super User

I agree that it is wrong that smooth edges (tangent lines) in the drawing are given equal weight to the part edges. It can lead to confusing drawings.
You can switch them on and off in the view, but unlike hidden lines, they do not automatically get their own layer. They should! Like hidden lines you would have full control over how they are displayed.
I submitted this through the online help as an enhancement.
If everyone did that too then it would surely get done as they just need to be treated like the hidden lines so a good system is already there!
Lots of drawing enhancements are promised for the next update, and there is an update due very soon I am told (but perhaps not the major release that will include the major drawing enhancements!).
Re: Who can program a small tool

Private Message ModTek as he is a programmer that has done some work with the API and can let you know if he can create the tool you want.