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Wizoscript Python syntax question.


Alibre Super User
I need the correct syntax for line 5 for this to work.

Here's the script:

# open an existing assembly
Asm = Assembly(r'C:\Users\Chris\Desktop\Animation', 'Main Unit')

# This is the hierarchy of the part, drilling down thru the file "Main Unit.AD_ASM"
Item = Asm.GetPart('001 - Rotating Parts<1>, 01 - Crankshaft<1>, Part 19 - Crankshaft<1>')

for loop in range(0, 3):
for z in range(0, 36):
Asm.RotatePart(Item, 0, 0, 10)

And here's the error report
IronPython Interactive Console
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Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 5, in <module>
Exception: Part 001 - Rotating Parts<1>, 01 - Crankshaft<1>, Part 19 - Crankshaft<1> was not found.


The model opens and I can *manually* rotate "Part 19 - Crankshaft<1>" perfectly. So I assume it is only the
syntax that's wrong. That is, if this script can even be written to drill down through 3 sub-assemblies.



Alibre Super User
Try something like this:

MyPart = Part('Foo')
Bar1 = MyPart.GetSubAssembly('Bar<1>')
Baz3 = Bar1.GetSubAssembly('Baz<3>')
Barfoo2 = Baz3.GetPart('BarFoo<2>')


Alibre Super User
Got it. Thanks a lot! I knew there had to be a way. I'll show what I have when I have it working. This is related to the "rotate about named
axis" as opposed to XYZ. For now, I can make it work by rotating about a *part*.
Thanks again.