Automatically scales a sketch after the placement of the first dimension.
Feature Mirror - Mirror Whole Part Option
Mirrors all geometry of a part across a plane.
Slot Sketch Tools
Sketch linear and arc slots in sketch mode.
View Cube in Sketch Mode
View Cube is now available in Sketch Mode.
More Material Favorites
Material favorites have been expanded from 4 to 10.
Chamfer and Fillet Pattern Robustness
Chamfers and Fillets on Extrusion, Helix, Punch, Revolve, and Sweep features that consume multi-loop sketches could give odd results when patterned.
Some Draft Angles on specific geometry cases caused crashes
Code has been hardened to avoid these issues.
Spline Sketches May Update Erratically
Sketches that contain splines may not update predictably when, for example, a spline edge is connected to a model edge that changes location.
3D Sketch Dimension tool on Toolbar
This button on the toolbar didn't work properly. The ribbon version did.
Features may incorrectly populate design boolean edit contexts
Part features may incorrectly also populate the Design Boolean editing session.
Trimming Elliptical figures
Certain combinations of overlapping figures involving ellipses might result in sub-figures being untrimmable.
Fractional Units Might have unexpected input parsing
When unit format is Fraction, some negative input values might result in unexpected behavior.
Show Component Reference Geometry Hotkey Customization
The keyboard shortcut to toggle a selected part or subassembly's reference geometry in an assembly is now customizable in Shortcuts > Assembly Editor > View.
Assembly Regenerate Command On Toolbar Didn't Work
Assembly Regenerate button on toolbars didn't function in some scenarios.
Alibre Toolbox
Part and Folder names with an & may display incorrectly in the Toolbox UI.
Object Reference Error
The addition of some features may cause object reference errors if all of the following were true: The part is light loaded, the part is transitioned to fully loaded, there is a suppressed feature below the last topology producing feature, and that suppressed feature is above the dog bone.
AppearanceID Not supported by LightFace
An issue related to Assembly Holes throwing an error on assembly reopen has been fixed.
Wait Cursors
Wait cursors have been added to several areas of the product that did not have them before, such as during regeneration or moving the dogbone and causing a recompute.
Make Drawing Button Error Message
Making a drawing of an imported but unsaved file using the Send To or Explorer icon now shows a prompt to save the file first.
Show Feature in Explorer for Reference Geometry
Right-clicking reference geometry on the canvas now has a Show Feature in Explorer tool.
Edited Feature is now shown in Design Explorer
Parts with long feature lists may not have shown (scrolled to) the feature being edited in the Design Explorer.
View Cube Robustness
Several issues related to View Cube have been implemented.
Themed Explorers
Design, Assembly, Drawing, and other Explorers now use the color scheme.
Drawing Enhancements
Duplicate Sheets
Ability to duplicate an entire sheet. Useful for duplicating a sheet and then changing the sheet's active configuration while maintaining dimensions and formatting.
Copy/Paste Drawing Views
Copy a view with all its annotations and paste elsewhere in the drawing. If the view is a dependent view, the primary view is also copied.
Undo/Redo regarding Drawing Sheet Operations
Several bugs related to undoing and redoing the creation or deletion of drawing sheets have been implemented.
Manually Created Centerlines Might Disappear
Centerlines added with the Centerline tool might disappear when Centerlines are automatically added view-wide.
Edges offset in Drawings (Shaded and Fast Views)
Some edges might be offset from their actual locations when using Shaded or Fast view styles. Typically this might occur where a planar face met a cylindrical face tangentially.
Hole Callout Data Disappeared
Some workflows resulted in Hole Callouts disappearing from a drawing.
Disassociated Dimensions
Additional cases of disassociated dimensions from model geometry changes have been caught and addressed.
Real Time Dimensioning with zero angle
Sometimes odd results happen when setting an angle to 0 in real time dimensions.
Legacy PDF Writer Crash
An issue that might crash the software when printing to PDF using the legacy PDF option has been addressed.
Centerlines inconsistent
Manual and automatic centerlines might behave inconsistently in dependent views such as section or detail views.
Object Reference Error when double-clicking a dimension
Drawings in read-only mode might throw an exception when a dimension is double clicked.
Some circles cannot be dimensioned
New dynamic tolerancing of circle detection fixes issue of some specific circles not being dimensionable..