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Do these warnings and exceptions matter?

I'm using AlibreX successfully with Atom3D but with the sample boring head assembly, it keeps saying things like:

at com.alibre.collaboration.ui.UIThreadNegotiator.processTipOffMessage()### Mediator.commit () is called! export-9DD5596A-BEAB-459F-A91D-E830D9E5CFA2: warning: RoseDomain 'header_section_schema[file_population]' not found export-9DD5596A-BEAB-459F-A91D-E830D9E5CFA2: warning: Generating domain header_section_schema - file_population. export-9DD5596A-BEAB-459F-A91D-E830D9E5CFA2: warning: RoseDomain 'header_section_schema[section_context]' not found export-9DD5596A-BEAB-459F-A91D-E830D9E5CFA2: warning: Generating domain header_section_schema - section_context. export-9DD5596A-BEAB-459F-A91D-E830D9E5CFA2: warning: RoseDomain 'header_section_schema[section_language]' not found export-9DD5596A-BEAB-459F-A91D-E830D9E5CFA2: warning: Generating domain header_section_schema - section_language. An exception of type com.alibre.utils.AdapterSelector+AdapterNotFoundException was caught. Reason: DesignSession(sessionID=0) Stack trace follows: at com.alibre.utils.AdapterSelector.getAdapter(Object source) at com.alibre.automation.AlibreRoot.isObjectValid(Object sessionObject) at com.alibre.automation.AlibreSession.get_SessionValid() at com.alibre.automation.AlibreSession.get_RootSession() at com.alibre.automation.AlibreSession.internalUpdate(IRemoteObservable observable, Object argument) at com.alibre.collaboration.ui.UIThreadNegotiator.processTipOffMessage()An exception of type com.alibre.utils.AdapterSelector+AdapterNotFoundException was caught. ...

Do these indicate I'm doing something wrong or are they safe to ignore?


Alibre Super User
You shouldn't ignore them. If you are using the API, then you should be checking objects to ensure they are not NULL before using them and also ensure that parameters passed into functions are also valid and not NULL. The 'crash' report states that the sessionID=0, i.e. NULL, which is invalid, so any attempt to pass that to another function will crash (or throw an exception)!

There are cases within the Alibre core where this is not done and you will get exceptions being thrown. You can, however, catch these in your code and do something 'graceful', i.e. not carrying on regardless, as this will only compound any problem later on in your code and the results may be unpredictable.

The secret to good code writing is to 'expect the unexpected' and 'never make assumptions on object and data validity'! Happy coding :)


Alibre Super User
Part and assembly sessions inherits from IADSession. IADDesignSession also inherits from IADSession and adds objects that span many different sessions/environments.

Exporting is handled by IADDesignSession not by the part or assembly session.
Coming back to this, I'm still having these messages and can't seem to do anything about them. I hope someone else can confirm they're normal and safe to ignore.

They're not exceptions in my application so I can't catch them. They're just messages in the Immediate window of Visual Studio. I don't know what that means except perhaps from Trace calls in Alibre. I'm not passing null objects to anything, and everything seems to work fine.

Sometimes there are other messages like:

tempSTPFile-5AC0642D-8A8C-4075-AD39-C7457C9D9670(130): error: Expecting 5 attributes, found 4 instead.


ROSE: warning: generating degenerate_toroidal_surface subtype of toroidal_surface

That last one does seem to be a problem because those degenerate_toroidal_surface's aren't interpreted correctly by OpenCascade and it would be nice if I could tell it to use something else instead.


Alibre Super User
What is the code causing these STEP import/export? If you're using Trace.WriteLine, I'd expect to see similar messages. These are internal messages there's nothing we can do about them except learn.
ROSE: warning: generating degenerate_toroidal_surface subtype of toroidal_surface

That last one does seem to be a problem because those degenerate_toroidal_surface's aren't interpreted correctly by OpenCascade and it would be nice if I could tell it to use something else instead.
Yes, this is likely from the STEP translator and is probably a STEP to ACIS issue. Are you exporting from Alibre and opening the file with a OpenCascade app or library?

I have a related issue with Alibre and torus shapes from STEP and Rhino:

Toroidal surfaces are supported and work fine, however not all translators are the same.

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Staff member
If STEP AP214 export gives problems in your next process, check to see if AP242 export behaves any better. A problem that shows with one, may not show with the other and vice versa.

No promises, but it may be worth trying...


Staff member
AP 203 / 214 have a lot in common, AP 242 is treated differently (long story) - hence my suggestion.
Wow, AP242 solves the degenerate_toroidal_surface incompatibility problem! But is it available via the API? I can only find the other two STEP formats.


Alibre Super User
Wow, AP242 solves the degenerate_toroidal_surface incompatibility problem! But is it available via the API? I can only find the other two STEP formats.